The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Map of important locations M8 The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Thursday, December 9, 2021
Key points of Witcher 3 M8 - Oxenfurt - Atlas
1,2,3... - Main locations on the map
Points of interest on the map
Road signs
Strong enemies
Important NPC characters on the map
1,2,3... - Main locations on the map
1 – Gate
The gate is closed. To get through it you have to complete "Thou shall not pass" quest. It is described on Inn by the crossroads (M2) map.
2 – Vernon Roche's Hideout
When you reach this place a short scene will begin. You will find here Vernon Roche, Ves and sizable contingent of partisants.
3 – Ruins
You will find "Diagram: Enhanced Feline Armor" here.
4 – Alley
When you will be passing the alley, two guardians will start talking to you and demand 50 coins. You don't have to give them anything, because their commander will appear in a while.
5 – Inn
You will find Stjepan here. You can buy food and cards from him and play a gwent with him. You will visit this place several times during making a quests.
6 – Est Tayiar
You can visit this area as a part of the "Redania's Most Wanted" side quest. You'll also find a rare silver sword schematic here (Witcher's cat school gear).
7 – Sewers
Inspecting the sewers will result in finding an upgraded schematic of trousers from the Witcher's Cat school gear.
Important NPC characters on the map
Barber – You can ask him to change how your hair looks like.
Stjepan – He sells gwint's cards and food. You can also play with him.
Merchant – You can buy from him some junk items and paint.
Armorer – He sells many crafting materials, basic armors and Imrahim Savi's first map. He can create armors on Journeyman level.
Blacksmith – He sell many different crafting materials, quite good weapon and many types of bolts. He can create weapon on Journeyman level.
Merchant (2) – He will appear after releasing him from the cage, which is north from this place. when you will first time meet him he will give you 50 coins. You can but from him several alchemic ingredients and hides.
Herbalist – He sells many alchemic recipes and ingredients.
Strong enemies
This page of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide contains a map of Oxenfurt and areas located west of the town. Our World Atlas marks, among others, noteworthy locations of Oxenfurt and its surroundings, as well as all signposts appearing in town and rural areas.
- Oxenfurt: description
- Oxenfurt: Most important places
- Oxenfurt: Most important NPCs
- Oxenfurt: Enemy types
- Oxenfurt: Important information
Oxenfurt: description
Oxenfurt is the second largest town in the game located southeast from Novigrad. The map above shows the city itself and a small territory East of it.
Not only will you find here all the merchants you could need but some side quests and valuable items as well. You can start exploring this territory even on low level (reaching level 10 is recommended). But watch out for quest-related enemies, they can require up to the 35th character level to beat them.
Oxenfurt: Most important places
1. Gate
When will try to enter the city, you will find the main gate to the city closed. To get inside you must show the proper pass to the guard - travel pass. It's the same document you show in all border outposts leading north. During the conversation the Thou shall not pass side quest will start. You can find its description on the side quests page in the Inn by the Crossroads (M2) chapter.
You can easily reach the city simply by swimming to the other side of the river and entering it through the Novigrad gate.
2. Vernon Roche's hideout
The hideout location won't be uncovered by checking the nearby notice board. You must personally get near the cave which is the entrance to the hideout. A short cutscene will start. After it you will talk with Roche who will describe his situation. Ves can be found here as well but you won't be able to talk to her immediately.
5. Inn
One of the more important places in the city. Here you will find innkeeper Stjepan with whom you can play gwent. He is one of the best players in Velen. By winning the duel you will complete the Gwent: playing innkeepers quest for which you will receive an unique card. You can trade with him as well. He has food, drinks and additional cards for your collection.
Oxenfurt: Most important NPCs
Stjepan (M8,5) - innkeeper, you can buy food and gwent cards from him. By winning with him you will obtain a unique card.
Vernon Roche (M8,2) - ex commander of the Temerian Special Forces, currently a guerrilla hiding from both sides of the conflict.
Ves (M8,2) - Roche's second in command. Old friend of Geralt's.
Oxenfurt: Enemy types
Gael - A vampire. Very strong, unique opponent. You will face him in one of the witcher contracts in Oxenfurt.
Opinicus - An unique opponent which you must defeat during The creature from the Oxenfurt forest quest.
Rock ogre
Oxenfurt: Important information
You can go to the city and its neighborhood on rather low experience level, around 10. You won't meet large groups of strong opponents here. However, watch out for monsters related to the witcher contracts, they are very strong and can require that your character is at least level 35.
If you don't have the pass (Thou Shalt Not Pass side quest) allowing you to walk through the gate, swim through the river. You can enter the city easily from the other side. There are no strong opponents in the river that could kill or even hurt you.
When you search for parts of witcher gear, you should go to the Ruins in the north-eastern part of the map (M8,3). There you will find Diagram: Enhanced Feline Armor.