Cyberpunk 2077: The Rescue walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Tuesday, December 15, 2020
On this page of our guide for Cyberpunk 2077 you will find a detailed walkthrough for the mission called The Rescue.
You and Jackie go on your first job. You have to save a girl, one Sandra Dorsett, whose biomonitor went off the radar a few hours ago. Everything indicates that she was kidnapped.
Mission awards: 2 Street Cred, 1 Attribute Point, 1 Perk Point.
Follow Jackie

Take Jackie, enter the elevator and go to the 15th floor (apartments). When you get to the place, go straight away to room 1237 (at the end of the hall) and hack the door to get inside.
Examine the woman's body.

In one of the rooms you will find a massacred body of a girl. Fortunately, this is not the woman you are looking for, as indicated by the cheap, black market counterfeits of Zetatech. Sandra Dorsett is covered by second-degree corporate immunity so she could certainly afford better cyberware. Go to the next room.
Get to the next room

Inside there is one opponent waiting for you. Get behind his back and eliminate it quietly; you can then put the body in the freezer. Remember that when you crouch you can move around without making any noise.

After a while you will receive information from T-bug that more Scavengers will be here in a moment. You can hide from them in a dark corner where you can crouch with Jackie and attack the intruders by surprise, either striking from behind or in classic open combat. If you take care of one thug, Jackie will deal with the other.
Keep in mind that there are more Scavengers in the side room. If they discover your presence or notice the bodies of their dead buddies, they will immediately attack.

Move on to the next room and eliminate the rest of the Scavengers so that you can look for the girl in peace. There is one stronger enemy stationed in the office, but you have nothing to fear because Jackie will help you.
Find Sandra Dorsett

You will find Sandra Dorsett in the bathroom. Pull her out of the tub and connect to her biomonitor, then follow T-Bug's instructions to check if the girl is still alive.

After removing the chip blocking access to the girl's biomonitor, you will activate the Trauma Team rescue system. Pull the woman out of the tub and give her a quick injection to restore her vital functions.

After the successful rescue, take Sandra to the balcony. After a while the Trauma Team will fly in. Follow their instructions and wait for the rescue team to take the girl to the vehicle and fly away.
Ride back with Jackie.

Talk to Jackir and go to the elevator with him. While driving, call Wakako to inform her that the job is done.

Sit down in the passenger seat to go home with Jacki. Watson is quarantined by the NCDP, so you need to hurry.

You will be attacked by Scavengers during the ride. Lean out the window and get rid of all the opponents. When you shoot down the driver, the van will crash into one of the buildings or simply stop chasing you.

During the further ride you will still be stopped at a police blockade and witness the brutal intervention of the Max-Tac Tigers. Once you get to your destination, get out of the car and go to your apartment. When you go to sleep, The Rescue will be completed.