The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Superior Griffin School Gear The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Saturday, December 18, 2021
This page of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt guide describes the superior griffin school gear. We describe the requirements the superior griffin set has, where to look for diagrams, what items are included in the superior griffin school gear, and what statistics they have.
- Superior griffin school gear - important information
- Superior Griffin Armor
- Superior Griffin gauntlets
- Superior Griffin boots
- Superior Griffin trousers
- Superior Griffin steel sword
- Superior Griffin silver sword
Superior griffin school gear - important information

Superior Griffin School Gear works best for those players who value the witcher signs - each element along with the swords gives bonus which gets higher with every upgrade. In order to obtain schematics for this set, it is best to equip oneself with a map (Edwin Greloff's Third Map) which can be bought from the armorer on the Novigrad market.
Important Note! You need to have the basic item if you want to upgrade it. Thus, if you want to upgrade the set, you will have to find the basic items first.
Required level: 26
Superior Griffin Armor
Location: Skellige Islands - Giant's Toes, north-western edge of the map.

In the north-western part of the main map of Skellige (location of Kaer Trolde) there is a marker for Giant's Toes. There, among the rocks on the coast you will find the bandits' camp. In the end of this stone beach you will also find three bandits from Skellige.

Fight this group and approach the rocks. There should be a wrecked boat nearby. Behind it, you will find the chest with a complete list of schematics for the armor.
- Armor : 165
- Sign Intensity: +15%
- Resistance to bludgeoning damage: +12%
- Resistance to piercing damage: +12%
- Resistance to slashing damage: +18%
- Resistance from taking damage from monsters: +25%
Superior Griffin gauntlets
Location: By the armor (see above)
- Armor : 57
- Sign Intensity: +8%
- Resistance to elemental damage: +8%
- Resistance to piercing damage: +3%
- Resistance to slashing damage: +4%
- Resistance from taking damage from monsters: +4%
Superior Griffin boots
Location: By the armor (see above)
- Armor : 61
- Sign Intensity: +8%
- Resistance to bludgeoning damage: +3%
- Resistance to piercing damage: +3%
- Resistance to slashing damage: +4%
- Resistance from taking damage from monsters: +4%
Superior Griffin trousers
Location: By the armor (see above)
- Armor : 61
- Sign Intensity: +8%
- Resistance to elemental damage: +23%
- Resistance to piercing damage: +4%
- Resistance to slashing damage: +7%
- Resistance from taking damage from monsters: +10%
Superior Griffin steel sword
Location: An Skellig, to the north of Bay of Winds

Schematic for the steel sword can be found on An Skellig. In the north-western part there is a road which leads to a cliff (North-west from Bay of Winds).

When you get to the bandits' camp, you will find an altar. The chest should be behind it.
- Damage: 169-207
- Sign Intensity: +15%
- Bonus experience from humans and nonhumans +5%
- Critical hit damage bonus: +25%
Superior Griffin silver sword
Location: Skellige Islands - southern peninsula of Kaer Muire (Elverum Lighthouse).

By the Elverum Lighthouse, which is located on the southern coast of Kaer Muire peninsula, a cave is located. There are no enemies inside, thus you don't have to worry about any danger.

On the crossroads, go to the right. Walk through the cave to its end. When you get to the statue, approach two chests behind it. One of them has a silver sword schematic inside.
- Damage: 337-411
- Sign Intensity: +15%
- Experience from monsters: +20%
- Critical hit damage bonus: +25%
- Chance to dismember: +10%