God of War Ragnarok: Exploration God of War Ragnarok guide
Exploration is an important part of the gameplay in God of War Ragnarok since there are 9 different worlds to explore. Find out what locations you'll be able to visit and what modes of transportation you'll use.
Last update: Tuesday, November 8, 2022
On this page of the guide you will learn how exploring locations in God of War Ragnarok works, as well as find information on the available means of transportation.
While traversing the world of God of War Ragnarok, you will visit a wide variety of locations, where, in addition to completing the main story missions, you will be able to take part in side activities (optional locations) and search for hidden items.
In God of War Ragnarok, players will explore as many as 9 different worlds of Norse mythology: Midgard, Alfheim, Asgard, Vanaheim, Nifelheim, Muspelheim, Helheim, Svartalfheim and Jotunheim. Each location differs in terms of flora and fauna, and you may encounter different types of enemies there.

During the exploration, the heroes will have to use the elements of the environment, as well as solve various puzzles in order to continue forward or get valuable loot. It should be mentioned that Kratos' weapons also play a role in exploration sequences - you can use the Leviathan Axe to freeze certain objects or the Blades of Chaos to jump over chasms, move elements of the environment, or set obstacles on fire.

At first, you won't be able to reach all areas, e.g. on your first visit to a particular world you may encounter an obstacle that you won't be able to bypass without the right plot item or skill/tool. Fortunately, in God of War Ragnarok, you can freely return to earlier locations in order to clear them in 100%.

At some points you will have to stop and solve a puzzle in order to unlock the way forward and continue with the story. The environmental puzzles in God of War Ragnarok are varied and, in some cases, force the player to get help from his companions.
Treasure Maps

While exploring the world of the God of War Ragnarok game, you can come across maps that show the location of a buried treasure. Each map has a graphic clue in the form of a photo that shows a characteristic place in the land, as well as a brief description.

When you reach the place indicated in the picture, you will be able to dig up the treasure. For completing such a side quest, you will usually be rewarded with crafting materials and experience points, and sometimes even with an armor piece.
Means of transport

In God of War Ragnarok, Kratos and Atreus mostly travel on foot, but at certain times various means of transportation will be used.
- Boat: a mode of transportation known from the earlier installment of the series.
- Harness: a sled pulled by two wolves.
- Mounts: various animals that will drive the heroes to their destination.
Fast travel

At a certain stage of the story, you will unlock the fast travel option. This mechanic allows you to return to previously visited regions in order to unlock locked pathways, get valuable items, score achievements and collect secrets.

The map in God of War Ragnarok looks very similar to the one you may remember from the 2018 installment. The map is divided into regions, making each of the 9 worlds receive a separate map. The most important areas are marked with specific icons, making it easy to find your way around. If needed, you can activate legend (R3) which explains all markers.