Hogwarts Legacy: How to find Field Guide Pages? Hogwarts Legacy guide
In Hogwarts Legacy, Field Guide Pages are a type of collectable that will give you experience points. On this page, we have described how to search for and catch different types of Field Guide Pages.
Last update: Monday, March 6, 2023
The fastest way to earn experience in Hogwarts Legacy is to find Field Guide Pages. These collectibles are divided into several types, those being Revelio Pages, Empty Moth Paintings and Dragon Braziers. Some statues may also be hiding pages inside. This page contains information on how to find them and collect them.
- General information
- Revelio Pages
- Flying Field Guide Pages
- Field Guide Pages inside of statues
- Empty Moth Paintings
- Dragon Braziers
General information
Hogwarts Legacy contains a staggering 236 Field Guide Pages. Each collected page rewards you with 80 XP. Collecting them also progresses challenges which reward you with more clothing.
Field Guide Pages are divided into 5 types:
- Revelio Pages,
- Flying Field Guide Pages,
- pages hidden in statues,
- pages hidden in Empty Moth Paintings,
- pages in Dragon Braziers.
Each type requires a different acquiral method. Some pages require a specific spell as well.
Revelio Pages
You'll unlock Field Guide Pages after your first night at Hogwarts. While Professor Weasley is leading you to the main hall, you'll acquire a collectible on the way, the first out of 150 Revelio pages.

The pages are hidden in various objects, most commonly tied to the Harry Potter novels. Revelio pages appear when you cast Revelio near them.
Each time you enter a new room in Hogwarts, visit a new building at Hogsmeade or in the Highlands, check for any Revelio pages it may hide.
Remember, the page will pop out of the object if you stand close enough. Otherwise, the page will only be highlighted in yellow for a moment.

You can find all acquired Revelio pages in the Collections tab at the main menu. These collectibles are hidden in Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and some areas of the Highlands.
Flying Field Guide Pages
While exploring the world of Hogwarts Legacy you should notice some magical flying pages. The Revelio spell marks all nearby secrets, including Flying Field Guide Pages.

Flying pages can be caught with the Accio spell. You'll learn it at the beginning of the game, during your first class with professor Ronen.
Catching a flying page may require some patience and precision. When you find a flying page, position yourself correctly and watch it fly for a while. They usually fly in circles, without changing their route. Aim at where the page about to be in a moment and input a button combination to cast Accio.
Sometimes the page speeds up, only to slow down again after a moment. If you can't get it in a few tries, try to stand somewhere else and aim from there.
Field Guide Pages inside of statues

Some statues also hide Field Guide Pages. These pages require the Levioso spell, learned during your first Defence Against the Dark Arts class.
Casting Levioso at a statue hiding a page will make it pop out after a while. Approach the page as it hovers in the air and interact with it.
Empty Moth Paintings
While exploring Hogwarts and other locations you'll come across mysterious black paintings with moth frames. Each such painting hides a single Field Guide Page. Collecting pages from these paintings will be possible only after completing the Like a Moth to a Frame side quest.

After this quest you can approach moth paintings and cast Lumos. The painting should picture the place the moth is hiding at. Usually they're not too far away from the painting.
Search the area near the painting while casting Lumos. The moment you find the moth, it should automatically fly towards your wand. You can then return to the painting, aim and press the appropriate button to cast a regular spell and launch the moth back into the frame. If you miss, it will return back where it was before, forcing you to retry.
Dragon Braziers

In Hogwarts, you will also find small braziers with the image of a dragon. The Revelio spell will highlight these objects in blue. Dragon Braziers contain Field Guide Pages.
When you find a Dragon Brazier, ignite it with any fire spell. You will learn the Incendio spell by completing the Professor Hecat's Assignment 1. You get the Confringo spell during In the Shadow of the Undercroft main quest.