Red Dead Redemption 2: Missing gang members - why, where to look? Bug, camp Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide and Walkthrough
As the story of RDR2 progresses, certain gang members disappear from the camp - we have created a page that makes it easier to find them. Thanks to it, you will be able to find other gang members and make an attempt to solve the problem (bug) with missing gang members.
Last update: Friday, September 23, 2022
While playing Red Dead Redemption 2, you may want to meet a particular member of the Dutch gang. Unfortunately, finding them is not always easy. On this page we have provided various tips on how to find other gang members and how to solve the bug with disappearing gang members in RDR2.

There are four main reasons for finding other people from the Dutch gang:
- You are looking for a person in the wrong place in the camp or at the wrong time of the day.
- The person you are looking for is waiting for Arthur in the place where you can start a mission related to that particular character. This quest marker is almost always yellow. Only Strauss' debt collecting missions can be white.
- The person you are looking for now has some other activity resulting from e.g. progress in the main plot.
- A person's "disappearance" can be due to a bug. Sadly, this is the most probable scenario. The only solution is to wait for more patches for RDR2. Reverting back to your previous saves won't help, and starting a new game means that you will lose all your progress.

Below we have listed the most popular solutions to the problem of "lost" gang members. It is worth checking all these methods. There is a chance that one of them will help you find the person you are looking for.
- Look around not only the central part of the current gang camp (the one with carts and tents), but also on the outskirts of the camp. The character you are looking for can spend your free time by the water or on the edge of the cliff. What's more, some members of the gang act as camp guards. Walk through the forest near the camp, as this is where their posts are located.
- Try to change the time of day by using a bed. The person you are looking for may appear at a campfire after dark or in the morning when everyone arrives at the boiler to eat a meal.
- Complete a few side missions. Absence of a given person may be caused by the fact that as a result of previous events, e.g. he/she went to a nearby city or is busy with some other important tasks.
- Reach the fourth chapter. There is a chance that some of the gang members will reappear in the manor located on the swamps. As always, check the tents, wagons, the area around the camp AND the manor itself (check all the rooms on the ground and the upper floor).