Cyberpunk 2077: Lightning Breaks walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Tuesday, January 12, 2021
On this page of our guide for Cyberpunk 2077, you will find a detailed walkthrough for the Lightning Breaks mission.
Takemura wants to find Anders Hellman, and Rogue can help him. Interestingly enough, she is an old friend of Johnny's so he gives up his desire to murder V and decides to cooperate.
Rewards for completing the task: Level Up, 1 Attribute point, 1 Perks point, Street Cred points.
- Meet Panam at Midnight
- Shoot the target using the turret
- Take out the power plant security
- Overheating the terminals
Meet Panam at Midnight

Go to a petrol station nearby. Panam is working there on her car. The Nomad has a clever plan - she wants to use the EMP. As soon as the AV is in range, it is enough to cause an electromagnetic discharge to fry its electronics.
Shoot the target using the turret
Get in the car and take the passenger seat. When you get to the dam, you will make a short stop to connect with the turret.

When you switch to the turret view, shoot at the designated targets. First with short series and single bullets, and finally with continuous fire (last target). After the calibration is complete, you will go to the power plant.
Take out the power plant security

As soon as you enter the power plant area, the sky will get full of battle drones, which you will have to shoot down. If you want, you can also use hacking - a short circuit.
Overheating the terminals

Get out of the car, run to the marked terminals, switch to the local network, and overheat them. When you do this with all the terminals, go back to your car and take the passenger seat.

Panam will take you to a convenient observation point from where you see the approaching convoy. You will get a detonator in your hand - wait for the signal and start a pulse. You will automatically proceed to the next main mission - Life During Wartime.