God of War Ragnarok: How to defeat Valkyrie Vanadis? God of War Ragnarok guide
Vanadis is a Valkyrie from God of War Ragnarok encountered during The Lost Sanctuary quest. Our guide explains how to avoid Vanadis' attacks and how to defeat the Valkyrie as Kratos.
Last update: Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Vanadis is a Valkyrie you must face during the main story of God of War Ragnarok. The walkthrough explains when you confront Vanadis in The Lost Sanctuary main quest, how to defend yourself from Vanadis' attacks and how to defeat the Valkyrie boss.
Location of fighting Vanadis

Vanadis is the first Valkyrie you will encounter in God of War Ragnarok and fighting her is mandatory. The fight happens shortly after the end of the visit to Jotunheim as Atreus - this was part of The Lost Sanctuary main quest.
Atreus will be back in the hut in Midgard and will meet Kratos after defeating regular opponents. You have to fight Hel Reavers but the fight will be interrupted by the sudden appearance of a Valkyrie who will attack Kratos. You will go back to playing as the God of War.
Description of the boss battle - Valkyrie

You must start the confrontation with the Valkyrie by quickly pressing X. This will allow Kratos to pick himself up from the ground and proceed to the actual part of the fight.

Valkyrie is very agile, so you must react with quick blocks, parries and evasions.
Vanadis can use a quick charge. This is a regular attack - it is best to block it and wait for it to end.

Valkyrie can shoot with a bow - block these attacks or stand behind trees.

Valkyrie's yellow attack is with her sword, but only when you are close to her. Parry this attack or evade.
Vanadis' red attack is a jump combined with hitting the ground. Dodge to the left or right, as this attack cannot be blocked.

After Vanadis loses about half of her health bar, you will have to wrestle her. You will unlock a new type of the Spartan Rage - Valour. Pressing L3 and R3 will restore a medium amount of health.

Valkyrie will start using a new red attack - attack the arena with poisonous projectiles. The best thing to do then is to move away from her. Also hold down the block button after dodging, because Vanadis can use the bow or charge again.

Attack Vanadis after she is done with hers. Attack a few times, then jump away and wait for her next move.
After Vanadis has the last bit of health bar left, you will have to wrestle her again. You don't need to do anything else here. Kratos will learn the identity of Valkyrie and the fight will end.