Zelda TotK: Impa and the Geoglyphs Zelda Tears of the Kingdom guide, tips
Having trouble finding Dragon's Tear in the first Geoglyph? In this TotK guide you will find a walkthrough of the main quest Impa and the Geoglyphs.
Last update: Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Our guide to Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will help you find the Dragon's Tear for the Impa and the Geoglyphs main quest. We explain how to rebuild Impa's balloon and how to activate it. At the end of the page, you will find the exact location of Tear of the Dragon #1.
How to find Impa?
Related map marker: Main Quest Impa and the Geoglyphs @ Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Interactive Map

On your way from Lookout Landing to Rito Village in the Hebra region, you'll come across Impa. The woman will be standing on a small stone platform near the huge drawing on the grass. After talking to her, you will unlock the main quest Impa and the Geoglyphs.

Lift the balloon lying on the ground using the Ultrahand skill and attach it to the wooden platform next to Impa. Now you have to light the wood under the balloon. Lift the torch and light it using the nearby bonfire. Enter the balloon with a lit torch and hit the wood in the center of the platform.
How to find Dragon's Tear?
Related map marker: Tears of the Dragon #1 @ Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Interactive Map

After a short balloon flight and a conversation with Impa, jump down and open the glider. Land at the location shown in the image above.

Examine the Dragon's Tear found in the Geoglyph. After watching the cut-scene, you will unlock Tear of the Dragon #1 - you can watch this memory again in the Adventure Log. After talking to Impa again, you will unlock The Dragon's Tears main quest.