Team builds - create optimal party in Divinity Original Sin 2 Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Check out our guide to creating an optimal team for your journey in Divinity Original Sin 2.
Last update: Monday, March 9, 2020
Divinity Original Sin 2 allows you to choose from 14 predefined classes and 14 different groups of abilities that can be used during fights. This in turn allows you to create dozens of team combinations that can, with better or worse results, be effective during fights (and outside of them). In this chapter of our guide you can learn about a few useful team combinations that can help you in completing the game.

A classic team
This is a classic team that works for most RPGs - a resistant warrior that focuses enemies' attention, an archer that fights from a safe distance and two mages that have access to various spells.
Class | Developed schools | Abilities | Function + explanation |
Fighter | Warfare, Polymorph, Single-Handed | Battle Stomp, Bouncing Shield, Whirlwind, Provoke, Battering Ram, Phoenix Dive, Crippling Blow, Tentacle Lash, Spread Your Wings, Medusa Head, Skin Graft, Onslaught | Function: being a tank and dealing damage at a short distance This character is great for fights at a short distance and is used for dealing damage and receiving them from enemies that focus their attention on that character. Warfare abilities are for breaking enemy physical armor and inflicting various statuses. Polymorph helps in dealing a lot of damage and makes moving around a battlefield easier. The best race for this class: - Dwarf - has a talent that increases vitality and dodges - Human - has a talent that increases Initiative and critical hit chance as well as Encourage ability. |
Ranger | Huntsman, Scoundrel, Ranged | Tactical Retreat, Elemental Arrowheads, Sky Shot, Pin Down, Ricochet, Barrage, First Aid, Ballistic Shot, Marksman's Fang, Arrow Spray, Adrenaline, Cloak and Dagger, Chloroform | Function: dealing damage from a distance This character is 100% focused on dealing damage from a distance. Because of that you should invest a lot of points in Huntsman and Ranged abilities and add a few points (or finding a gear) to Scoundrel. This character can deal with physical armor (by using abilities and regular attacks) as well as magic armor (by using arrows). Has two teleportation abilities and one that allows them to receive 2 additional AP if there is a situation that requires you to finish someone off or escape. The best race for this class: - Dwarf - has a talent that increases vitality and dodges - Elf - Flesh Sacrifice ability gives them additional AP and increases their damage. |
Enchanter | Hydrosophist, Aerotheurge, Necromancer | Rain, Healing Ritual, Restoration, Ice Fan, Winter Blast, Armour of Frost, Global Cooling, Electrical Discharge, Dazing Bolt, Tornado, Teleport, Pressure Spike, Chain Lightning, Raise Bone Widow, Mosquito Swarm | Function: dealing magic damage and support One of the two mages in the team that focuses mainly on Air and Water elements. Their main purpose is to break enemy magic armor (Aerotheurge abilities), inflicting various status effects (Frozen, Stunned) and supporting the team with spells that heal and increase magic armor. Abilities from Necromancer school allow them to deal physical damage, inflict numerous status effects and support teammates in critical situations. Here, the most important spell is Rise Bone Widow that allows you to summon a spider - a few points in Summoning abilities (that can be easily obtained through items) makes this spider more powerful than most of the enemies in the game. The best races for this class: - Undead |
Wizard | Geomancer, Pyrokinetic, Summoning | Fireball, Haste, Fire Whip, Laser Ray, Peace of Mind, Epidemic of Fire, Poison Dart, Poison Wave, Acid Spores, Earthquake, Impalement, Fortify, Fossil Strike, Conjure Incarnate, Elemental Totem, Dominate Mind | Function: dealing magic damage and summoning creatures The second mage, however, this one focuses on Fire, Earth and Poison. Abilities from Pyrokinetic school allow them to deal a lot of Fire damage and support their allies. Geomancer gives access to abilities that inflict status effects (such as Slowed or Crippled) and those, that can regenerate physical armor of their allies. Dominate Mind ability is worth being mentioned - it allows you to control any enemy (when they don't have magic armor) or you can use it to remove this status from a friendly unit that is under enemy's control. The best races for this class: - Lizard - has a talent that increases Poison and Fire resistance and also has Dragon's Blaze ability. |
A few tips for this team lineup:
- You should invest in Stench talent because it lowers a chance that a character can be attacked by enemies. Get this talent for all characters expect for the Fighter - thanks to that all enemies will focus their attention on that character.
- When it comes to Enchanter and Wizard, you should invest a few points in Summoning and Necromancer. Then, you can unlock Raise Bone Widow spell. It allows you to summon a powerful spider that can deal with a few enemies at the same time before it's defeated - it's especially powerful when a caster has a well-developed Summoning school.
- Your Fighter needs a lot of magic and physical armor points (recommended in proportions 40:60). When it comes to the rest of the team, you should focus more on magic armor because they will be more often attacked by spells rather than physical attacks.
- Equip your Fighter with grenades so they can be thrown at enemies that can't be reached by your Fighter. Your Ranger should be equipped with arrows that allow them to inflict various status effects on enemies. Items from these two groups are easy to craft, you can also buy or steal them.
- A Ranger can be replaced with an assassin (Rogue or Shadowblade), however, this requires a completely different play style (attacking enemies from behind).
A hybrid team
This team combines various ability schools that may, at a first glance, seem to be not that compatible - an assassin that can heal allies and deal magic damage or a ranger that casts spells based on Earth element.
Class | Developed schools | Abilities | Function + explanation |
Rogue | Hydrosophist, Scoundrel | Adrenaline, Chloroform, Throwing Knife, Rupture Tendons, Backlash, Rain, Restoration, Healing Ritual, Hail Strike, Ice Fan | Function: dealing damage while being hidden and supporting the team with magic This character can deal a lot of damage, especially from behind. When this character is in a situation that puts their life in danger, they can use 2 additional AP to escape. However, this character also has ranged attacks that make them useful even when they are immobilized. In addition to that they also have two healing spells including one that is casted on the entire team which can be helpful during more difficult fights. The best race for this class: - Human - has a talent that increases Initiative and critical hit chance as well as Encourage ability. |
Wayfarer | Huntsman, Geomancer | Sky Shot, First Aid, Pin Down, Elemental Arrowheads, Fortify, Throw Dust, Reactive Armour, Impalement, Encourage (Human), Flesh Sacrifice (Elf) | Function: dealing damage from a distance and supporting the team by using magic This character specializes in ranged attacks that deal a lot of damage. However, when an enemy gets closer they can use their physical armor to attack. They can also use a battlefield to get arrows with various elements and inflict various status effects on enemies. The best race for this class: - Human - has a talent that increases Initiative and critical hit chance as well as Encourage ability. - Elf - Flesh Sacrifice ability gives them additional AP and increases their damage. |
Metamorph | Polymorph, Pyrokinetic | Bleed Fire, Laser Ray, Fireball, Fire Whip, Tentacle Lash, Spread Your Wings, Spider Legs, Flesh Sacrifice (Elf) | Function: fighting at a short distance and weakening enemies The main melee unit. Can move quickly between enemies and immobilize them effectively. They also have ranged attacks that make them useful even when they are immobilized. The best race for this class: - Elf - Flesh Sacrifice ability gives them additional AP and increases their damage. |
Battlemage | Necromancer, Warfare, Aerotheurge | Bouncing Shield, Provoke, Blood Sucker, Death Wish, Living On The Edge, Bone Cage, Vacuum Touch, Infect, Electric Discharge, Closed Circuit | Function: being a tank and dealing damage at a short distance Even though this character is a mage, their main function is to fight at a short distance. Their goal is to distract enemy attention from weaker members of the team. That is why they have abilities that can keep them alive and allow them to deal massive damage at a short distance. Spells from Aerotheurge school are useful for destroying magic armor and abilities from Warfare serve to destroy enemy's physical armor. The best race for this class: - Elf - Flesh Sacrifice ability gives them additional AP and increases their damage. |
A few tips for this team lineup:
- You should invest in Stench talent because it lowers a chance that a character can be attacked by enemies. This talent should be unlocked on Rogue and Wayfarer characters - thanks to that the assassin will have an easier time in attacking enemies from behind while an archer won't need to change their position.
- Use your Rogue to eliminate targets that are at the back of enemy forces - mages and archers. Thanks to Rogue's damage, you will be able to render them unable to fight for one turn.
- Your Battlemage needs a lot of magic and physical armor points (recommended in proportions 40:60) which can help them to survive enemies' attacks.