Hogwarts Legacy: Astronomy Class Hogwarts Legacy guide
Astronomy Class is the main quest in Hogwarts Legacy with finding the first astronomy table. Our guide explains how to unlock the astronomy lesson, how to get the telescope and how to pass the astronomy table mini-game.
Last update: Friday, February 17, 2023
This page of the guide to Hogwarts Legacy contains a walkthrough of the Astronomy Class main quest. Our walkthrough explains how to start the class, where to find the telescope, how to follow Amit and how to complete the astronomy tables mini-games.
- Rewards for completing the quest
- Attend Astronomy Class
- Find Amit's telescope in the Storage Area
- Find the Astronomy Table
- Use the Astronomy Table
Rewards for completing the quest

- XP;
- unlocking Astronomy Tables - this is a unique type of activity / collectible scattered around the game's world you can now interact with.
Attend Astronomy Class

The class becomes available after you reach Level 16. The classroom is in the Astronomy Wing of Hogwarts. Reach the circle and wait for Professor Shah's class to start.
After using the telescope, adjust the focus (move the right analog stick vertically) until you can see a clear image of the starry sky. Amit will want to give you one of his telescopes - respond to him in any way you'd like.
Find Amit's telescope in the Storage Area

Go down the stairs to reach the floor where equipment is being stored. You can use Revelio to locate the telescope (pictured above).
Return to Amit. Both dialogue options at the end of your conversation will end up with you going away with him.
Find the Astronomy Table

Follow the linear path. Destroy the crates blocking the way in the tower - Confringo should do the job. The same spell can also ignite cobwebs.
Use the Astronomy Table

Reach the roof where the first Astronomy Table is. This triggers a constellation search mini-game:
- You can change the telescope's position (left analog stick) and rotate it (right analog stick).
- You can also zoom in and out (R2/RT and L2/LT).
- Match the pattern to the corresponding constellation (pictured above).
Amit will tell you about more tables and let you keep the telescope.