God of War Ragnarok: How to lure the drake in Vanaheim (Path of Destruction favour)? God of War Ragnarok guide
This page of the guide to God of War Ragnarok explains how to lure the dragon (Lure the drake) in the Jungle in Vanaheim - this is a larger environmental puzzle from the side quest Trail of Destruction. We described step-by-step how to trap the little monster in an elevator.
Last update: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
One of the more difficult environmental puzzles in Vanaheim in God of War Ragnarok is luring the drake during the Path of Destruction favour. This page has instructions on how to prepare a trap in the elevator, how to trap a smaller beast in the cage and how to transport the small monster to the Slag Horn's lair.
Location of the drake's lair in the Jungle in Vanaheim

Path of Destruction favour is available in Vanaheim. It starts in the northwestern part of the Jungle region - the location is shown in the pictures.
Lure the drake
As Kratos, you must jump into the elevator shaft and start the puzzle to lure the drake. Its goal is to get a smaller monster trapped in the elevator - it will serve as bait after it is transported to the drake's lair.

After landing at the bottom of the elevator shaft, throw your axe at the rotating mechanism from the picture. The cage will rise for a brief moment - step out of it and summon Leviathan.

Ask the companion to create a seal on the rotating mechanism. Then throw the axe at it again.

Quickly summon the axe and throw it at the circular mechanism shown in the picture. The idea is to keep the cage up.

Head towards the lower exit - you need to lift the grate.
After reaching the Jungle, run up to one of the monsters, but don't kill it. The creature has to start following Kratos.

Return to the raised cage and wait for the monster. Quickly run out of the cage and summon the axe. The creature should get trapped inside the cage (example in the picture).
If you made a mistake, repeat the last steps (monsters in the Jungle respawn). If you were followed by another monster, you can kill the other beast (the one outside the cage).

The last step is to use the chain shown in the picture - the creature you have imprisoned will be transported by elevator to the top. The beast will serve as bait - a mini-boss will appear in the lair.
Returning to the drake's lair

You must now return to the monster's lair, which is where you unlocked the favour. You can go through the Jungle again or use the shortcut you may have unlocked (by lowering the chain).
In the lair, you will face the Slag Horn boss.