Cyberpunk 2077: Character development Guide Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Friday, December 18, 2020
In Cyberpunk 2077, you will constantly develop your character. You can do this with perks, implants or other improvements. In our guide to Cyberpunk 2077, you will find a detailed description of each improvement. However, this site will focus on the character development system in a more general way.
Character class
There are no divisions into classes in Cyberpunk 2077. Your path, however, depends on your actions and choices that you've made in the world of the game.

You can choose only your character's origin which will affect the starting location. Thanks to this solution, you can start the game several times and each time wake up in a different place.
If you want to know more about the life paths, check out these pages:
Skills in Cyberpunk 2077 are developed over time by performing the appropriate actions. This means that your character will improve a given skill if they constantly practice.

There are 12 different skills that you develop over time. They are linked to attributes, so they are easy to control. You can check what a given skill affects by browsing the perks.

Another way to develop your character is to place implants in your body. These are completely up to you, the game will force you to get only two implants.
Your character can get blades or new eyes (they will see much more than normal eyes). Body modifications are represented in cut-scenes in which we are watching the operation.

There are five attributes, each corresponding to different statistics and skills. You need to develop them to unlock newer and more interesting perks.

Attributes are divided into skills. Skills are divided into perks. It is up to you to decide what you want to unlock. Take a close look at each option to not regret your choice later.
In Cyberpunk 2077, you cannot undo the attributes you have already purchased. However, you can check our best attributes and perks page to create the most powerful hero possible.

To purchase a given perk, move the cursor over it and press the button/key. Please note that some perks have several levels, so it is worth investing in them multiple times.
Perks not only influence character statistics but thanks to them you can also buy special skills such as throwing knives.
Hero's reputation
The world of Cyberpunk 2077 is the perfect place for people who love fashion accessories. Each piece of clothing has a separate street cred statistic, which does not affect combat. However, the more cred you got, the more reputation you get for killing your opponents.
Achieving higher levels will give you access to new vendors and items.

By completing missions and various tasks you will earn attribute points. With them, you can improve one of the main attributes. They affect various elements of the game. The choice is as follows:
- Body - responsible for health and stamina;
- Reflexes - improves your critical damage chance;
- Cool - affects critical damage, resistance, and detection time;
- Technical Ability - determines the armor level;
- Intelligence - affects RAM.

Attributes are directly linked to proficiency in using weapons.

Body affects:
- Shotguns of all kinds;
- Rifles;
- Fists;
- Blunt weapons of all kinds.

Reflexes affect:
- Blades;
- Pistols;
- Revolvers;
- Rifles of all kinds.
Health and armor

Health is obviously the measure of damage you can take on the chin. Your character has a specific number of health points; they will increase when:
- You gain a new level of experience;
- You purchase attributes that give you more health;
- You purchase the appropriate cyber software.

Health regeneration takes place automatically when you finish the fight. In this way, you can recover 60% of the maximum HP.

Armor reduces the amount of received damage. For every 10 points of armor, you reduce your damage per second by about 1 point.
Armor stat is mainly influenced by the armor you're wearing, but some cyber implants can also increase your armor and improve your survivability in other ways.

Stamina is responsible for your hero's endurance level. You deplete it by jumping, running or using a melee weapon.
Your character has specific stamina points, they will increase when:
- You gain a new level of experience;
- You purchase attributes that give you more stamina;
- You purchase the appropriate cyber software.
If your stamina drops to zero, you get Exhaustion debuff, which will affect you negatively until you regenerate. Exhaustion reduces the efficiency of your actions, e.g. it makes you unable to sprint, and your melee weapon attacks are ineffective.