God of War Ragnarok: Companions' skills and equipment - Atreus, Freya God of War Ragnarok guide
On this page of the guide, you will learn about the best skills for Atreus and Freya - companions from God of War Ragnarok. We have provided summaries of recommended skills, as well as tips on improving their weapons and gear.
Last update: Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Kratos is not the only character in God of War Ragnarok with stats and unique abilities. This page of the guide explains how to upgrade Atreus and Freya - your main companions. We've listed their best skills and described how to upgrade their gear. This should make them perform better throughout the game.
The following page contains some spoilers regarding Atreus' and Freya's roles in the game. Despite this, we don't spoil when exactly you'll encounter them or what impact they have on the main storyline.
On the page Kratos' best skills we've listed our recommendations for GoW Ragnarok's main playable character.
Atreus - best skills

- These skills can only be purchased with Atreus' XP, acquired by completing quests where the boy is playable or accompanies you. You can't spend Kratos' XP on them.
- Not all skills are visible on the skill trees right away, as some of them appear after making enough progress in the main storyline, such as unlocking a new arrow type.
- If you play as Atreus, you must use active skills yourself. If he's currently your AI companion, you can command him by pressing or holding Square. You can also change the type of arrows he's using (Up on the D-Pad).
Arteus' best skills:
- Watchful Protector - This skill allows Atreus to distract enemies from Kratos. This can significantly improve the God of War's survivability.
- Dive Into Battle - This skill is available when playing as Atreus, letting you grapple towards enemies and execute heavy strikes. It can be very useful if you don't want to fight at range at the moment.
- Deceptive Eagle Eye - This skill slows down time after a successful perfect evade. It lets you avoid damage and counter-attack with precision.
- Focus Shot - This skill unlocks charged fast arrow shots (R1). They deal more damage, especially on headshots, and knock enemies back.
- Sonic Potency / Hex Potency - Each of these skills affects a different arrow type - sonic or seal. Hitting enemies with these special arrows causes explosions.
- Arrow Surplus - This skill, as the name suggests, increases your arrow supply by 1. This lets you fire your bow longer before needing to wait for the quiver to recharge.
- Rushing Ascent - This skill grants you a heavy running attack. It can launch enemies up into the air and expose them to further hits.
- Bludgeoning Strikes - This skill lets you knock enemies down and stun them. This makes them much easier targets in melee.
Atreus - equipment

Atreus' primary weapon is his bow. Progressing through the game unlocks new bows with different properties - choose the one that fits your playstyle. Bows can be upgraded, though you'll need some rare resources.
You can additionally equip:
- 1 Bow Ability - a good example is Sharpshooter Stare, which makes your attacks more powerful.
- 1 Runic Summon - a good example is Falcons' Dive, which summons birds of prey to attack nearby enemies.
You can level up your Bow Abilities and Runic Summons by spending Atreus' XP. Try to choose one preferred item from each category and fully upgrade them.

You can also change Atreus' in-game outfit, though the changes are purely cosmetic and don't affect his stats.
Atreus can equip three accessories at a time, which do affect his stats. Some accessories are, for example:
- Sonic Attunement - Increases the power of attacks with sonic arrows.
- Lethal Detonation - Enemies hit with sigil arrows explode and injure others in the area.
- Sonic Aftershock - Enemies hit by a sonic arrow can be more easily stunned.
Freya - best skills

- These skills can only be purchased with Freya's XP, acquired by completing quests where she accompanies you. You can't spend Kratos' XP on them.
- To use active skills you must command Freya by pressing or holding Square. You can also change the type of ranged attacks she's using (Up on the D-Pad).
Freya's best skills:
- Entangled Grip - This skill allows Freya to immobilize enemies with vines, exposing them to Kratos' wrath. Upgrading it is recommended, as the vines become better at holding enemies and poison them.
- Arrow Empowerment - As the name suggests, this skill empowers Freya's ranged attacks - specifically the runic arrows. We recommend upgrading it further.
- Sonic Potency / Hex Potency - Each of these skills affects a different arrow type - sonic or seal. You can increase their area of effect by hitting foes with special arrow types.
- Arrow Surplus - This skill, as the name suggests, increases your runic arrow supply by 1. This lets you fire them longer before needing to wait for the quiver to recharge.
- Valkyrie Spirit - This is an excellent skill which lets Freya attack enemies in her Valkyrie form, dealing major damage with her sword.
- Valkyrie Heart - This is yet another skill tied to Freya's Valkyrie form. It lets her attack foes while flying, launching them up into the air and exposing them to further strikes.
Freya - equipment

Freja wields a sword, which she uses in melee combat. You can upgrade it, though you'll need some rare resources.
You can also equip a single Runic Summon, with the default one - Seidr Exhale - being very useful. It creates a gas cloud, poisoning all affected enemies.

You can change Freya's outfit but this is a cosmetic change and does not affect the heroine's statistics.
Freya can equip three accessories at a time, which do affect her stats. Some accessories are, for example:
- Sonic Attunement - Increases the power of attacks with sonic arrows.
- Lethal Detonation - Enemies hit with sigil arrows explode and injure others in the area.
- Sonic Aftershock - Enemies hit by a sonic arrow can be more easily stunned.