Dead Island 2: How to beat Becki the Bride? Dead Island 2 guide, tips
The first main boss of Dead Island 2 is Becki the Bride. The description from our guide explains when you fight Becki in the Halperin Hotel, what attacks the Crusher has and how to defeat the monster.
Last update: Thursday, April 20, 2023
Becki the Bride is a Crusher boss, encountered in Halperin Hotel in Dead Island 2. Our guide explains when does the battle start, how to avoid Becki's attacks and how to deplete her health.
Boss arena

Becki the Bride is the first proper boss encountered during the main storyline. You'll face her in the Halperin Hotel district.
You must progress the main quest Room Service for Major Booker and unlock the Ballroom next to the hotel lobby. Trying to use the radio triggers the boss fight - Becki will jump down to the arena. She's a Crusher dressed as a bride - a new elite monster type.
Crusher battle

Becky mainly relies on two attacks. The first are melee strikes which can be blocked. You can either hold the block button or press it at the last possible moment to parry her strikes and stun her. It's riskier, but lets you counter her immediately after if successful.

The second is an overhead slam causing a shockwave. There are three ways to deal with it:
- Hold the block button to withstand the shockwave;
- Jump over the shockwave - advisable if you can't block;
- Get out of her range - you'd need to start backing away well in advance.
If you're hit, you'll be knocked down. You're an extremely vulnerable target when knocked prone.

Try out different weapons from your inventory and stick to the most damaging one.
The boss has a blue stability bar which you can deplete by hitting her. Depleting it fully forces her to kneel down - this is a great opportunity to hit her with a powerful charged attack.

Regular zombies will join the battle after a short while. Don't ignore them completely, but don't prioritize them either, as the battle automatically ends the moment Becki falls. Hold the zombies off and knock them down with kicks and throwables.
Your reward for defeating Becki is the War Cry skill card, which will be immediately placed in the active slot. Remember to gather some more minor loot from the boss' corpse.