Cyberpunk 2077: Following the River (River) - walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Friday, February 12, 2021
This page of the Cyberpunk 2077 game guide contains a walkthrough of the Side Job Following the River. This is River Ward's third and final job. From our guide you will find out when you can meet the detective and what are the requirements to initiate River Ward's romance path.

How to start the quest: This job will start some time after the completion of The Hunt Side Job (regardless of its course). River will call you and invite you to a "barbecue" at Joss' house in Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo. Accept this invitation.
V must arrive at the location during daylight hours. If you reach your destination at a different time of day, the game let you to wait by the barrels and automatically skip time. When you get home, Joss can optionally say hello to the kids or talk to River right away. Help River to stir the jambalaya which will give you an opportunity to start a conversation. You will be asked to grab some rice from the kitchen and you don't need to talk to Joss to obtain it.

During the next conversation with River you can ask him about what happened with the serial killer and get to know River a bit better.
The children will ask you to play a game with them using AR goggles. It involves travelling along a fixed route and shooting at the appearing targets. You will receive an optional mission goal to let the children win. You can miss a few shot for this purpose. Don't expect any reward for completing this objective except River's gratitude for making children happy.

In the next part of the quest, you will get to eat dinner together, then go on a trip with River to the top of the water tower. You can get into the area around the tower by, for example, letting River help V to climb over the gate and opening it for River from the other side.
Meeting with River at the top of the water tower is an opportunity to make friends with him or to start a romance. You will also receive a gift from River - his pistol.

You can kiss River twice during this quest, but it will only reciprocate if you're playing as V with a female body type.
After the scene on the water tower ends, you will wake up the next day in the trailer. If you kissed River before as female V, you can show your interest in River again. V and River will become a couple. For more details go to the Romance section.
The quest will end after a while and you will receive the To Protect and Serve trophy for completing River Ward's storyline.