The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Map of important locations M14 The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Key points of Witcher 3 M14 - Kaer Muire - Atlas
1,2,3... - Main locations on the map
Points of interest on the map
Road signs
Strong enemies
Important NPC characters on the map
1,2,3... - Main locations on the map
1 – Fayrlund
Small village, in which you can find blacksmith, merchant and start one side quest.
2 – Hidden treasure
Take the note from the body of the soldier. Read it. Chest with treasure is in one of destoyed houses, half buried. You will find inside some valuable things, for example Bloodsword.
3 – Search the ruins, you will find chest with Diagram: Griffin Steel Sword - mastercrafted.
4 – Near of this place you will be accosted by wounded man. When you try talk to him, you will be attacked by him and two other bandits (lvl 11-13).
5 – Defeat 5 Mucknixers (lvl 15). Take the key and the note from the body near the wagon. Read the letter. Treasure is on the bottom of small lake. You will find there some gold, Mellitele figurine and D'yaebl sword.
6 – Near of this place you will be accosted by a boy. He will ask you to help his father. When you go to designated place you will be attacked by 3 bandits (lvl 14).
7 – Arinbjorn
In the village you will find notice board, Inn, blacksmith and anvil to strengthen your weapon.
8 – Cave
Inside the cave you will find 3 Rock Trolls (lvl 17). Before killing them listen to their conversation... it is very interesting. Inside one of the chests you will find Diagram: Enhanced ursine boots.
9 – Kaer Muire
You will find here an armorer, blacksmith, grindstone, table to improving your armor. It is a merchant in the village nearby.
10 – Cave
Defeat bear (lvl 16). Going forward the tunel you will find small room with chest. Take Diagram: Griffin silver sword - superior from it.
11 – Fyresdal
You will find here a notice board, blacksmith and merchant.
12 – Fishing village
Go to burned house on the north of the village. Clear the passage to the basement by using Aard sign. Defeat two Wraiths (lvl 20). In one of the rooms you will find the chest with Diagram: Usine steel sword. There will be also a letter, which lead you to another part of witcher's gear part.
13 – Cave
You will find here some crafting materials. You can unlock one of the walls by using Eye of Nehaleni. Going forward you will find alchemist's body. Take the note and the key, which you can use to open a chest in further part of tunnel.
14 – Inside the ruined tower, in the chest, you can find Diagram: Griffin silver sword - mastercafted.
15 – Cave
Deal with the bandits and explore the cave to find an upgraded armor schematic from the Witcher's Bear school gear.
Important NPC characters on the map
Merchant – He sells many different hides and The Lonesome World Guide to Faroe, which unlock road sign in Faroe island.
Merchant #2 – He will appear after resettlement of this place. He sells some crafting materials and many different maps, which unlock road signs.
Mechant #3 – He sells hides, maps and best saddlebags (+100 to maximum load).
Merchant #4 – He sells hides and fish.
Blacksmith – He sells many schemes and crafting materials.
Blacksmith #2 – He sell schemes, crafting materials and good swords. He can forge weapon on amateur level.
Smith – He sells runestones, crafting materials and good swords. He can forge weapon on Journeyman level.
Smith #2 – He sells runestones, crafting materials and swords. He can forge weapon on amateur level.
Herbalist – You have to free him from the hands of bandits. He sells recipes and alchemical ingredients.
Herbalist #2 – He will appear after destroying sirens' nest. He sells recipes and alchemical ingredients.
Inkeep – He sells gwent cards and food.
Armorer – He sells many valuable crafting materials and some good armors. He can create armors on journeyman level.
Strong enemies
Endrega Drones
Armored Arachasae
On this page of the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide, you will find a map of Kaer Muire , the southern part of Ard Skellig. On the map of the world atlas we have marked important areas from Kaer Muire and the surrounding area, as well as all signposts found in the southern part of Ard Skellig.
- Kaer Muire: Location description
- Kaer Muire: Most important places
- Kaer Muire: Enemy types
- Kaer Muire: Important information
Kaer Muire: Location description
The map above shows Kaer Muire, the southern part of the largest island of the Skellige archipelago. You will find here many villages, caves and treasures to find.
You shouldn't have any trouble with finding merchants here, including blacksmiths and herbalists. However, watch out for monsters, most of them have level above 15. In a separate chapter of this guide you will find a list of quests you can do in this location.
Kaer Muire: Most important places
1. Fayrlund
A small village in north-western part of the map. You will find a blacksmith and a merchant here. This is where one of the largest side quests begin - In the Heart of the Wood.
9. Kaer Muire
The largest human settlement in this territory. Kaer Muire is a castle built on a large hill. You will find anything a witcher could need here - a blacksmith, an armorer, a grindstone, an armorer's table. In the village under the castle you will find a regular merchant and a boat that you can use.
11. Fyresdal
In the village you will find a blacksmith and a merchant. By checking the notice board, you will learn about the possibility to take a witcher contract - Contract: Dragon.
Kaer Muire: Enemy types
White wolf
Endrega Dron
Endrega Worker
Endrega Warrior
Armored Arachnasae
Kaer Muire: Important information
While wandering through this location you must watch out for large groups (up to 15 members) of white wolves. They can be very dangerous ever for a character on a high level. You can meet them literally in every region.
In Kaer Muire you will find some parts of the witcher gear. They can be found in the cave near Elverum Lighthouse (M14,10), in the cave near the Place of Power (M14,8), in the destroyed tower (M14,14) and in the ruins of Boxholm village (M14,3).
In first order you should visit all larger villages. This will unlock signposts and give you access to merchants. Don't forget to visit the Place of Power.