Hind of Keryneia (Eubea) - Hunting for Seven Beasts in Assassin's Creed Odyssey Assassin's Creed Odyssey Guide and Walkthrough
Last update: Monday, October 1, 2018
On this page of our Assassin's Creed Odyssey solution, you will find a description of the fight against Hind of Keryneia in the Eubea location.

Location: Artemision Point, Eubea.
Suggested level of your character: 16

Description: Fighting the Hind of Keryneia is quite simple, although it may take some time. Your opponent will mainly aim for a direct battle, attacking you with charge and corner attacks. Try to encircle the enemy all the time around and attack it from the side. Timely evasions, which slow down time and give you a moment to e.g. aim at a target from a bow, using a special skill, are very useful.

Use special attacks, set fire to the enemy, poison the enemy and move away to regenerate your wounds. Finally, the legendary beast will die - take its skin and go to Daphnae to receive 2945 XP and an extra prize.