The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Map of important locations M10 The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Key points of Witcher 3 M10 - Fyke Isle - Atlas
1,2,3... - Main locations on the map
Points of interest on the map
Road signs
Strong enemies
Important NPC characters on the map
1,2,3... - Main locations on the map
1 – Hidden treasure
Defeat 6 deserters (lvl 9-10). Take the letter from one's body. A quest "The dead have no defence" will start automatically. Read the letter. Go about 70 metres to north east. Defeat another two deserters and take a treasure from the chest. You will gain very good steel sword (Ultimatum) and other things.
2 – Hidden treasure
Defeat about 5 wraiths (lvl 13). Take the letter and the key from the body near the stairs. Quest "Don't play with gods" will start automatically. Read the note. Go up the stairs and defeat moonwraith (lvl 15). The chest with reasure is behind two barrels, which you have to destroy by using Aard sign.
3 – Hidden treasure
Defeat 5 drowners (lvl 4). Take the letter from the body of dead adventurer, and then read it. "Sunken chest" quest will automatically begin. The marker will appear on the map. The treasure is quite deep and is guarded by 3 drowners (lvl 10). In the chest you will find Deithwen sword.
4 – Abandoned tower
"A Towerful of Mice" quest is happening in this place. You can get it from Keira Metz, who is near to Midcopse (M4,1).
5 – Shrine
This place is guarded by several drowners (lvl 4.) In the wall around the shrine is entrance to small room. You will find there chest with good armor.
6 – Entrance
You visit this cave doing "Wandering in the dark" main quest with Keira Metz. It is the same time when you destroy two marked on the map monster nests. Above the entrance you will find chest with several valuable items.
7 – Byways
This village is abandoned. You will find here only several Ghuls. This place is connected with "The mystery of Byways murders" quest, which you can get in Oreton (M4,7).
8 – Monster nest
Defeat several drowners (lvl 4). Destroy the nest. In the chest on the hill you will find "Diagram: Ursine Silver Sword - mastercrafted".
9 – Entrance
It is entrance/exit to temple which you visit during "Wandering in the Dark" main quest.
10 – Underground ruins
You can visit this place while completing Keira's side quest - "Magic lamp". Make sure to agree to help Keira in finding the magic lamp, because otherwise you won't be able to explore the final rooms of the ruins.
11 – Hidden treasure
Defeat Grave Hag (lvl 28). Take the key and the letter from the body near to fence. Read the note. Chest is about 20 meters to south next to burned house. Inside you will find very good steel sword - Harvall.
Important NPC characters on the map
Merchant – He will appear after resettlement of this place. He sells basic alchemic ingredients and food.
Herbalist – He will appear after resettlement of this place. He sells several recipes and many different alchemic ingredients.
Strong enemies
Grave Hag
This page of the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide has a map of Fyke Isle, i.e. areas located in the southern part of Velen. On the map of the world atlas we have marked important areas in the vicinity of Fyke Isle, as well as all signposts found in and around the island.
- Fyke Isle: Location description
- Fyke Isle: Most important places
- Fyke Isle: Enemy types
- Fyke Isle: Important information
Fyke Isle: Location description
Fyke Isle is one of the two places located on the very south of Velen. At the same time, it's the most desolated territory you will visit. You won't find any village or city there. However, there are many strong monsters and treasures to find here. Because of the high difficulty level, it is not recommended to go there before reaching the 15 experience level. The map above shows all the interesting places you will find in this location - bandit camps, Places of Power, treasure hunting missions and signposts.
Fyke Isle: Most important places
4. Abandoned tower
This is where the action of A Towerful of Mice quest that you can receive from Keira Metz residing in Midcopse (M4,1) takes place.
Entrance to the tower is possible earlier as well, but it's completely empty then. You can collect all the items except the lamp that will allow you to contact the ghosts, you won't do any activity here.
Fyke Isle: Enemy types
Water Hag
Grave Hag
Fyke Isle: Important information
Leave the exploration of the Fyke Isle for later in the game, after you reach the 15th experience level. You will meet many strong enemies here, including the Grave Hag, Wraiths, Nightwraith or Gargoyles. You will visit this map anyway during the quest for Keira Metz, but your exploration will be limited only to the island on the North of the location.
In the south-western part of the location, on a small island (M10,8) you will find a chest with a Diagram: Ursine Silver Sword - mastercrafted. But before you take it, you will have to defeat some drowners and destroy their nest.
Don't forget to visit Places of Power which will give you one additional skill point. Even if you won't be able to deal with the nearby monsters (Gargoyles and Wraiths on the 16th level), you can get there from the South and avoid any combat.