Map of Miagani Island | Collectibles - Miagani Island | Batman Arkham Knight Batman: AK Guide
Last update: Monday, October 28, 2019
Key points of Batman: Arkham Knight - Secrets - Miagani Island
Riddler trophies
Breakable objects
Bomb rioters
Riddler trophies
1 – Trophy 1
The trophy is inside a small room with a bed located under the bridge. You can pick it up without having to use any gadgets.
2 – Trophy 2
The trophy is inside a building located close to the water. Inspect this building to find a weakened wall. You must now park your batmobile on a nearby bridge so that you'll have this wall in your sight. Destroy the wall using batmobile's weapons and glide towards a small room.
3 – Trophy 3
Destroy a weakened wall with a batmobile and head inside the building. Here you must use a voice synthesizer on the Riddler's robot and order it to go to the blockade found near a pressure pad. Use a remote electrical charge on a generator to the right so that the blockade will move. Rebuild the robot by hitting the left question mark with a batarang and then order the order to step on the plate. You may now pick up the trophy.
4 – Trophy 4
The trophy is in a cage on the roof and you must power a nearby fuse box to gain access to it. Go to the south of the collectible and find a parking. Use the batmobile to get to the parking's top level. There's a ramp here and you must perform a jump to a nearby building. Once this is done use the batmobile's power winch on the fuse box and power it up. Finally use a batclaw to grab the trophy.
5 – Trophy 5
The trophy is inside the building. Inspect this building to locate a weakened part of the wall and then destroy it using the batmobile's cannon. You may now glide towards a small room with the secret.
6 – Trophy 6
The trophy is inside a sphere which you must guide through a labirynth. Start by using the batmobile's power winch on the left hitch. Move the metal object to the left so that the sphere lands in a new opening. Move the same metal object to the right in order to get the sphere to a new gap. Now use the batmobile's power winch on the right hitch. Move a new metal object so that the sphere lands in a new gap and then guide it to the lowest part of the labirynth. You may now collect the trophy yourself.
7 – Trophy 7
The trophy is inside the building. Use the detective mode to locate a weakened part of the wall. Glide towards this part from one of the nearby roofs. You must crash into it so that it's destroyed, gaining access to the collectible.
8 – Trophy 8
Find a building with a Dang-Good Donuts neon sign. Begin gliding and fly through a hole in the enormous donut. This will guarantee access to a ledge with the trophy.
9 – Trophy 9
Get to the roof with a group of Riddler's robot. Start attacking the green robots and ignore the red ones for the time being. Once you've destroyed all green robots use a batarang on a green question mark. You may now deal with the remaining robots. Once it's safe here use your batclaw to grab the trophy from the newly opened cage.
10 – Trophy 10
The trophy is inside the building. Use the detective mode to locate a weakened part of the wall. Glide towards this part from one of the nearby roofs. You must crash into it so that it's destroyed, gaining access to the collectible.
11 – Trophy 11
The trophy is inside a building. Find an interactive hitch and use the batmobile's power winch. Start pulling to destroy a part of the wall and then head inside to get the trophy. You will be stopped by a sentry turret while trying to leave a building. You can destroy it with the car (Batmobile remote) or you can hack it (remote hacking device).
12 – Trophy 12
The trophy is inside the diner where the prologue took place. Head inside the diner and use your batclaw to grab the trophy found on the other side of the counter.
13 – Trophy 13
The trophy is inside the building and you can gain access to it with the help of the batmobile. Start off by finding a hitch and use your power winch to pull out a large metal object. This action will raise the big store sign and uncover a weakened part of the wall. Destroy it with the batmobile's weapons and head inside the building to collect the item.
14 – Trophy 14
You must explore the tunnels located beneath the island. Use a grappling hook to get to the metal beams near the ceiling and then find a medium sized balcony. Go there and you'll find a trophy in the corner part of the balcony.
15 – Trophy 15
The trophy is on a small roof of the skyscraper. You can collect it without using any gadgets.
16 – Trophy 16
The trophy is inside an inactive trolley car. You can gain access to it by performing a glide or by using a grappling hook (the side doors are opened).
17 – Trophy 17
The trophy is in a small room inside the building. Search this area to locate a ventilation shaft and use it to reach the collectible.
18 – Trophy 18
The trophy is on a roof of one of the wagons found in the Grand Avenue station. You can obtain it without using gadgets.
19 – Trophy 19
The trophy is on one of the upper levels of a large building. The only way to gain access to the building is to break through a large glass part of the wall (start gliding after making your way to a high vantage point).
20 – Trophy 20
The trophy is in a cage and you'll also find the coordinates [2887, 2171]. Go to the hospital and stop on a pressure plate. You now have only 40 seconds to get to back to the collectible. Use the fully upgraded grapnel boost along the way in order to successfully keep launching Batman. Stay far away from the ground and maintain a proper flight speed and you'll reach the target long before the time limit expires.
21 – Trophy 21
Use the batmobile's power winch to pull out a big object and then destroy a weakened wall. Head inside and use the grappling hook to reach the trophy room. Riddler's robots will appear downstairs. Activate the batmobile remote and release the power winch so that large containers will crush the robots. Your last task is to use the power winch again to unlock the path to the exit.
22 – Trophy 22
The trophy is on a sarcophagus and you can collect it without having to use any gadgets.
23 – Trophy 23
Get here using your batmobile and attach a power winch to a large structure on the wall. Activate the entire mechanism and quickly leave the car. Start observing the trophy and you'll notice that it's slowly being raised. You must grab it with your batclaw when it reaches a small opening.
24 – Trophy 24
The trophy is inside a building by the water and you can't access it at first because of a weakened wall. Stop your batmobile by a nearby ramp so that you'll have the weakened wall in your sight. Destroy it and glide towards the collectible.
25 – Trophy 25
Find a pulsating sign on a wall and activate the batmobile's forensics scanner. Start following green question marks and make sure to remain in the batmobile's battle mode. You must reach a wall with a round green sign. Use the batmobile's weapons on this sign to destroy a part of the wall. You may now collect the trophy.
26 – Trophy 26
Find a generator on the opposite side of the street to the riddle and use the batmobile's power winch on the generator. Move to the pressure plate (don't deattach the winch!) and start firing at the green question marks. You will have to be fast here in order to not to fail the riddle. All question marks will be activated at the end - quickly use the missile barrage and fire at the remaining question marks yourself. You may now use the batclaw to grab the trophy.
27 – Trophy 27
The trophy is at the top of one of the towers, near a station. You can obtain it without the help from Batman's gadgets.
28 – Trophy 28
The trophy is on one of the lower levels of the botanical gardens. The best way to access the gardens is to glide so that you'll avoid Ivy's plants.
29 – Trophy 29
The trophy is in the greenhouse of the botanical gardens. All you have to do is to locate a door leading to a room with the secret.
30 – Trophy 30
The trophy is inside a small elevator. Use your grappling hook to reach the roof of the elevator, jump through a small hole and pick up the collectible.
31 – Trophy 31
The trophy is on a small island with the Lady of Gotham statue. Use the detective mode to locate a weakened wall at the base of the enormous statue. Glide towards this wall with a plan to break through it. This will grant you access to a room with the trophy.
32 – Trophy 32
Find the Riddler's robot and use a voice synthesizer on it (don't let it see Batman!) in order to order it to move to a nearby pressure plate. Inspect the upper platform to find two question marks and use explosive gel on them. Stand on the upper pressure plate and detonate the gel. You now have to quickly use your batarangs to hit two remaining question marks. If you were quick enough the cage with the trophy will open.
33 – Trophy 33
The trophy is on the roof of the Pinkney orphanage. You will find behind a mattress and you can pick it up without using gadgets.
34 – Trophy 34
The trophy is inside a sphere found in a small tower and your objective is to help the sphere reach the base of the tower. You must start using batmobile's power winch on metal objects and remote electrical charge on the generators. Start at the top and make your way to the bottom. The sphere will end up inside a container - pull out the last metal object so that you can collect the trophy.
35 – Trophy 35
The trophy is on one of the middle floors of the Wayne Tower building. Check the tower to find an entrance to the building. Head inside and follow the linear corridors. Take a right when you can - you'll find the trophy hidden under the stairs.
36 – Trophy 36
Find a pulsating button, activate the forensics scanner and start following the green question marks. You will have to cross the water along the way (use a ramp and batmobile's boost). Reach the Grand Central Station, exit the batmobile and use a remote hacking device to open a small gate on the other side. The last part requires you to find a round sign on the wall. Destroy a fragment of the wall and take the trophy from a small room.
37 – Trophy 37
Go to the pier and find two of the Riddler's robots. Don't let them see Batman and instead start using a voice synthesizer. Send the robots to two different pressure plate and then stand on the remaining third plate yourself. Once this is done you can use a batclaw to grab the trophy.
38 – Trophy 38
The trophy is at the end of the long pier and you can pick it up without using any gadgets.
1 – Riddle 1
You can attempt to solve this riddle after you've sufficiently advanced in the main story - you must get rid of the deadly cloud hovering over Gotham with the help from Poison Ivy. Go to where you were always meeting with Poison Ivy. Inspect this area to find a red flower and scan this object.
2 – Riddle 2
Go to the Elliot Memorial Hospital. You must scan a large sign with the name of this hospital. Perform this from a distance so that the entire sign is visible on the screen.
3 – Riddle 3
This is a simple riddle. Once you've reached the designated area find the Hell's Gate building (it's to the left of a large blue neon) and scan it.
4 – Riddle 4
The object you need to scan is a huge Vicki Vale Show neon sign. Scan it from a large distance, preferably from a roof of one of the nearby skyscrapers.
5 – Riddle 5
Check the alley between building. You must take interest in a defaced street art found on a wall - perform a scan here.
6 – Riddle 6
Check the area at the base of two buildings. There's a partially torn election poster for Quincy Sharp on one of the walls and you must scan this object.
7 – Riddle 7
Reach the top of the designated building. You must scan the Wonder Tower from Arkham city seen in the distance (you've visited it in previous Batman games). Make sure to zoom in the view on the tower.
8 – Riddle 8
You solve this riddle inside Pinkney's Orphanage and you won't be able to do that until you've unlocked Riddler's tenth trial. Return to the room where the tenth trial took place. Find a control panel here and hack it using a remote hacking device (the password is MASTERPLAN). Enter a small room and scan a helmet found on a table.
9 – Riddle 9
You solve this riddle inside Pinkney's Orphanage. Your objective is to scan the collar used to imprison Catwoman. If Catwoman is still inside the orphanage then go to the main room and scan her neck. If she's already been rescued then go to a side room (near where you've passed the tenth trial) and find the collar on the ground next to a glowing tube lamp.
10 – Riddle 10
Go to the Wayne Tower building. You must reach Bruce Wayne's office located on the highest floor of the building (it's recommended to use a grappling hook). Enter the office and scan a painting of the Wayne family located to the left of the bar (make sure you're not standing too close to the painting).
On this page of our guide to Batman: Arkham Knight we have prepared a map of Miagani Island. The map shows all the secrets and collectibles that can be found in this district of Gotham.
The above screenshot presents the map of Miagani Island, i.e. one of the three main areas within Gotham city. You can visit the isle since the beginning of the game. What you can find there, among others, are Pinkney Orphanage (Riddler's hideout) and Wayne Tower, but they do not have their separate maps.