How to escape the Fort Joy in Divinity Original Sin 2? Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Monday, March 9, 2020
In Divinity Original Sin 2 there are many ways of accessing and escaping Fort Joy - our guide lists them all. The ways of escaping listed in our walkthrough All escape routes will allow you to finally leave the fortress. Remember though: there are easier and harder ways to achieve this, which is why we will rate the difficulty of each method!
Important: The game has a lot of solutions to any given problem, and the way you choose can be greatly modified (e.g., you can enter the fortress by simply finding a hidden entrance, without any need of using teleportation).
- How to get inside Fort Joy?
- 1. Escaping with the boy via boat
- 2. Escaping through Flenser's Playground and the canal
- 3. Escaping through the room with High Judge Orivand
- 4. Escaping through the gate by supporting Paladin Cork
How to get inside Fort Joy?
- By using the Gloves of Teleportation from the quest named The Teleporter (recommended solution).
- By using the Gloves of Teleportation and reaching the private quarters of the magisters. You will first need a key from Magister Yarrow from the Murderous Gheist quest (see picture No. 1).

- By finding the secret passage on the beach next to Migo; (see picture No. 2).

- Through the main gate, via a frontal attack (not recommended).
- Through the hidden passage near the altar in the marketplace of Fort Joy during the Withermoore's Soul Jar quest.
- Through custody after removing the Collar during the quest named The Collar. Simply approach the guards and allow them to take you in.
Regardless of the route you choose, you will find yourself in the fortress, from where you must escape. You have several ways of doing this:
1. Escaping with the boy via boat
Difficulty: Easy.
This solution is only possible if you saved (accidentally or intentionally) Deloris during the exploration of Fort Joy. After killing the magisters who were torturing him, talk to him. Deloris will give you a password, which you need to pass on to his associates on the next floor. You will find them by the water on the next floor. The partners will be suspicious, but if you talk to them and select the second dialogue option, they will let you go. You will stay with Han, a little boy with whom you can board a boat and move onward to the Hallow Marshes.
2. Escaping through Flenser's Playground and the canal
Difficulty: Hard.
You can duel with Kniles The Flenser, a local psychopath. This is a very difficult fight for any beginner (see our video for aid). After the duel simply exit through the canal.
3. Escaping through the room with High Judge Orivand
Difficulty: Hard.
a) You have two options here. Sneak through (by pressing the "C" key) to the tower to the right of the judge, move the crates, and then climb down the ladder by the wooden scaffold.
b) Stand and fight against High Judge Orivand and his retinue. The fight can cause some issues, we recommend you to have at least level 4 characters, and keep in mind that skilful usage of teleportation is key (teleport the most annoying enemies down, to separate them from those you want to eliminate first).
4. Escaping through the gate by supporting Paladin Cork
Difficulty: Medium.
In the fortress yard you will find many enemies and one NPC - Paladin Cork. If you reach them (regardless of which way), the fight will start. The Paladin will aid you in it, drawing the attention of some of your enemies. After you win, you can raise the gate and move on to the Hallow Marshes.
These are the four main ways of leaving the Fort. Of course, they can be modified. You do not have to go through the underground corridors in order to reach Paladin Cork in the yard, you can simply use the Gloves of Teleportation to reach the walls. The game rewards creativity with many collectibles, so it is worth looking for a variety of solutions!