Hogwarts Legacy: The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and the Loom Hogwarts Legacy guide
The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and the Loom is the main quest in the game Hogwarts Legacy. This page of our guide explains how to catch animals with the help of the Nab-Sack, how to unlock the vivarium, and how to use the loom in the Room of Requirement to upgrade inventory items.
Last update: Friday, February 17, 2023
On this page of the Hogwarts Legacy game guide, you will find a walkthrough for The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and the Loom main quest. From the walkthrough, you will learn how to use a Nab-Sack and how to catch beasts correctly, how to take care of animals in the Room of Requirement, how to build a loom, and how to use a loom to increase statistics and apply Traits to clothes.
- Rewards for completing the quest
- Check in with Deek
- Follow Deek
- Rescue a Puffskein
- Rescue a Jobberknoll
- Rescue a Mooncalf
- Return to the Room of Requirement
- Release rescued beasts into the vivarium
- Collect feather & furs
- Conjure an Enchanted Loom
- Upgrade an item of clothing
Rewards for completing the quest

- XP;
- Nab-Sack unlocked - it is used to catch neutral animals from the game world;
- Enchanted Loom unlocked - it allows you to upgrade elements of the outfit and apply Traits to them;
- new decorations to place in the Room of Requirement.
Check in with Deek

You can do this quest after reaching at least level 15. Open the Hogwarts map and return to the Room of Requirement. A conversation with Deek will automatically start here.
Talk to Deek again to go hunting.
Follow Deek

Follow Deek to the first animal lair. Deek will give you a Nab-Sack. This item activates identically to spells - you need to open the spell menu and place the Nab-Sack in 1 of the 4 slots. You activate it with R2/RT and the button to which you assigned the Nab-Sack.
Rescue a Puffskein

The first animal to catch is a Puffskein. These creatures will start moving away when you approach them, but they are not very fast.
Activate the Nab-Sack while near a beast.You also have to press the interaction button at the right moment (the picture above). Then you will catch a Puffskein. You can also optionally catch a few more animals (they are stored in the inventory - it has a limited capacity for caught animals) or return to Deek right away.
Rescue a Jobberknoll
Jobberknoll is a small bird - another specimen to catch. Get near their lair.

Catching a bird is more difficult because it can fly away quickly. The solution to the problem is the Levioso spell (example in the picture above). After the bird starts levitating, use the Nab-Sack on it, but you have to press the interaction button twice. You can stop at catching 1 specimen or try to catch another.
Rescue a Mooncalf

Mooncalf is a small creature with huge eyes. You will learn that they only appear at night, so bring up the map and select the Wait option (press the right analog stick).
This is similar to bird hunting - stop the creature with Levioso and then use the Nab-Sack. You have to correctly press the interaction button 3 times to catch the creature.
Return to the Room of Requirement

Talk to Deek and go back to the Room of Requirement. You will learn about unlocking the Vivarium - an area where captured animals are kept. It will appear in the Room of Requirement - you can enter it.
Release rescued beasts into the vivarium

Press the animal management menu button (R1/RB). The vivarium can currently accommodate a maximum of 12 animals. Choose at least 1 specimen from each of the 3 species you hunted in this quest (you can also release more).
Collect feather & furs

You will learn that you can take care of captured animals:
- Select the Beast Grooming Brush and Beast Feed from the spell menu. You must use both of these gadgets on a given animal to satisfy its needs.
- A happy animal will give you a unique crafting ingredient.
You can obtain:
- Jobberknoll Feather;
- Puffskein Fur;
- Mooncalf Fur.
You will receive the first ingredients as part of the quest. However, you will have to wait for the next ones (e.g. 25 minutes). This means that you can't get a lot of crafting materials very quickly.
Talk to Deek and leave the vivarium.
Conjure an Enchanted Loom

You must use the Conjuring Spell. Go to the Utility tab and select the Enchanted Loom.
Placing this object requires 8 Moonstones (as a reminder, use the Evanesco spell on objects or look for blue crystals in the game world).
Upgrade an item of clothing

The Enchanted Loom has 2 different uses - you will learn both in this quest.
Upgrading a weapon can increase its stats. Select any of your items of clothing and then the Upgrade Gear option. You will need crafting ingredients received from your pets. In the example in the picture, we spent 3 feathers to buy an upgrade.

The second use is granting items Traits. Select any item of clothing and go to the View Traits menu. Select a Trait for which you have the ingredients - in the example in the picture, it used 1 fur.
After testing the Loom, talk to Deek to complete the quest.