Darkest Dungeon 2: Loathing Darkest Dungeon 2 guide, tips
On this page of the Darkest Dungeon 2 guide, you will learn what the Loathing modifier is.
Last update: Thursday, October 28, 2021
The following page of the guide will explain what Loathing is in Darkest Dungeon 2, what modifiers are involved in leveling up, and how to reduce the level of Loathing.
What is the Loathing level?
As you progress, that is, after each subsequent expedition and reaching the Inn, your Loathing level will increase. It causes negative values for the Flame and makes the battles more difficult. There are 5 levels of Loathing - the lower the better. Negative modifiers appear from level 3 onwards.

Loathing levels have the following effects:
- Level 1-2: no penalties
- Level 3: -20% chance for enemy advantage in combat
- Level 4: 50% Flame extinction, 25% enemy advantage
The Loathing indicator is visible at all times during exploration, in the top-left corner of the screen.
How to lower the Loathing level?
To lower the Loathing level, win fights (random battles on the road do not count), in particular these following points: Resistance, Lair, Cultists. Loathing markers are reduced immediately after winning the fight - so if the Loathing level is high, it is a good idea to quickly find the closest Fight marker after you start the Expedition.