Darkest Dungeon 2: How to unlock New Skills? Darkest Dungeon 2 guide, tips
On this page of the Darkest Dungeon 2 guide, you will learn how to unlock new hero skills.
Last update: Monday, May 22, 2023
The following page describes how to unlock new hero abilities in Darkest Dungeon 2, what Hero Shrines are, how many skills are available to unlock, and how many skills a hero can use.
New skills
In Darkest Dungeon 2, heroes can unlock new skills, up to 11. From the beginning, everyone has only 5 of them. They can also only use 5 skills during the game. Outside of combat, however, you can turn the skills on and off freely in the character panel. Further skills are always unlocked in the same order. Skills unlocked in one game will be available in the next - only Mastery points don't transfer to further games.

How to unlock
You can unlock skills by visiting Hero Shrines (bell marker on the map). In each such Shrine, you choose one hero to pass a test. Sometimes you'll simply hear the hero's story and move on. In other cases, some of the allies (with specific skills) will have to prove their worth in mini-games. The hero must visit a Shrine 5x to unlock all skills - on the last level they will unlock two.

They have their own rules: sometimes you get information about the task in the upper left corner of the screen, sometimes you have to figure it out yourself. More information about the mini-games can be found in the skill description in this guide.
Aside from the new skill, you will also receive a Mastery point. Of course, only if you manage to unlock the skill.