The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Map of quests in Kaer Muire The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Key points of Witcher 3 M14 - Kaer Muire - Quests
Areas connected with the main quests
Areas connected with the side quests
Areas connected with the Witcher contracts
Areas connected with the treasure hunts
Stronger monsters encountered while completing quests
Areas connected with the side quests
1 – "In the Heart of the Wood" - The quest will start automatically after reaching this place.
Areas connected with the treasure hunts
2 – "Freya be praised!" - Take the key and the note from the body of adventurer.
Areas connected with the side quests
3 – "A Bard's Beloved" - Talk to Bard inside the cave.
4 – "Taken as a lass" - Defeat two pirates (lvl 25) and talk to Warrior.
5 – Notice Board - You will get information about "A Hallowed Horn" quest.
Areas connected with the Witcher contracts
6 – "Contract: Dragon" - Talk to ealderman Vagn.
"Contract: Skellige's Most Wanted" (DLC) - read notice on noticeboard.
Areas connected with the treasure hunts
7 – "Family Fortune" - Take the note from the chest inside the house.
8 – "Inheritance" - Take the key and the note from the soldier's body.
Areas connected with the side quests
9 – "The Heroes' Pursuits: Fayrlund" - Start the race. You can take this quest after activating other quest - "The Heroes' Pursuits: For the goddess' glory!" on Hindarsfjall (M18,3).
10 – "The Heroes' Pursuits: Fyresdal" - Start the race. You can take this quest after activating other quest - "The Heroes' Pursuits: for the goddess' glory" on Hindarsfjall (M18,3).
Areas connected with the Witcher contracts
11 – "Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg" - meet Jorund in the tavern.
Areas connected with the side quests
12 – "Worthy of Trust" - place of meeting Skelliger third time.
On this page of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide, you will find a map of quests related to Kaer Muire , i.e. the southern part of Ard Skellig. On the map, we have marked the places where you start new quests, as well as important locations that you visit while completing the main and side quests about Kaer Muire and the surrounding area.
Kaer Muire: Quests
The map above shows Kaer Muire and its surroundings. It's the southern part of the largest island of Skellige archipelago - Ard Skellig.
Here you will find many quests to complete, including witcher contracts (blue points on the map), treasure hunts (yellow points on the map), side quests (black points on the map) and main quests (red points on the map). For most of them you will need to be at least at level 15 to complete them.