The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Map of quests - Free City of Novigrad The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Key points of Witcher 3 M6 - Free City of Novigrad - Quests
Areas connected with the main quests
Areas connected with the side quests
Areas connected with the Witcher contracts
Areas connected with the treasure hunts
Stronger monsters encountered while completing quests
Areas connected with the side quests
1 – "Warehouse of Woe" - two owners have a problem with their waherouse - clear it from Nekker (lvl 13).
Areas connected with the Witcher contracts
2 – "Contract: Deadly Delights" - contract on notice board.
3 – Notice board with few quests: "Following the Thread", "Contract: An Elusive Thief", "Contract: Doors Slamming Shut".
Areas connected with the side quests
4 – "Following the Thread" - your contact about quest.
5 – "Fists of Fury: Novigrad" - your first opponent - Archibald O'Neil.
Areas connected with the main quests
6 – "Destination: Skellige" - here you'll find drinking captain.
"Fists of Fury: Novigrad" - your second opponent - Georgeus Georg.
Areas connected with the side quests
7 – "Fists of Fury: Novigrad" - your the third opponent - Capitan Mortimer.
8 – "Fists of Fury: Novigrad" - the last opponent - Tailor.
Areas connected with the Witcher contracts
9 – "Contract: Deadly Delights" - talk to guard standing next to the bridge.
10 – "An Elusive Thief" - talk to Sylvester Amello about contract.
Areas connected with the side quests
11 – "Black Pearl" - talk to Nidas. Next part of this quest is on Skellige Isles.
12 – "The Dwarven Dovument Dilemma" - talk to dwarf Mugs to get new quest.
13 – "The Nobleman Statuette" - buy from trader Jade Figurine and take it to Triss.
"Of Dairy and Darkness" - merchant sells some quest items - buy Lizard Figurine and head to Oxenfurt, to continue the quest.
14 – "The Nobleman Statuette" - buy figurine from merchant and take it to Triss.
"Now or Never" - side quest, begins after finishing "Get Junior" quest.
Areas connected with the Witcher contracts
15 – "Contract: Doors Slamming Shut" - talk to Kurt Dysart in tavern.
Areas connected with the main quests
16 – "Pyres of Novigrad" - house of Triss Merigold - you won't find her here, but there's a new trace, where to look for her.
17 – "Pyres of Novigrad" - beggar, which will help you get to Putrid Grove.
18 – "Pyres of Novigrad" - entrance into Putrid Grove.
19 – "Novigrad Dreaming" - quest available after meeting Triss Merigold in "Pyres of Novigrad" quest.
20 – "Broken Flowers" - go to inn to meet Dandelion after "Novigrad Dreaming" quest.
"Cabare" - talk to Dandelion after "A Poet Under Pressure" quest.
21 – "Get Junior", "Count Reuven's Treasure" - next parts of main quest, available after quest "Broken Flowers". Talk to Sigi Reuven.
Areas connected with the side quests
23 – "Fencing Lessons" - quest avaiable after finishing "Broken Flowers" only if you agreed to give lessons to Rose var Attre.
24 – "Out On Your Arse!" - quest available after meeting Triss Merigold, talk to courtesan outside the building.
25 – "The Gangs of Novigrad" - meet Cleaver after "Get Junior" quest.
26 – "Of Swords and Dumplings" - talk to Hattori in his manor.
27 – "A Deadly Plot" - meet with Dijkstra after finishing "Now or Never" quest.
28 – "A Dangerous Game" - meet Zoltan outside the tavern.
29 – "A Feast for a Crows" - dead man's body, where you'll find a key.
30 – "Novigrad, Closed City" - after "Get Junior" quest you'll find here a man, which will be attacked by Witch Hunters.
31 – "A Message From an Old Friend" - talk to bookseller and find the book in bookshop.
On this page of the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide you can find a map of quests taking place or involving Novigrad - the biggest city in the game. The map shows starting locations of quests as well as noteworthy areas which are visited during the course of story and side quests.
Free City of Novigrad: Quests
Free City of Novigrad is a location vital for the storyline. A part of the search for Cirilla takes place here, just as many other side quests.
Difficulty level is quite varied - beginning with easy main quests to deadly contracts and side quests. It's the capital of the merchants as well - everyone should find something for themselves here. Entrance to the city is always free - you just need to get across the Pontar river and the Farcorners location to get into the city.