The Burning Pig | Act 1 Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Thursday, September 21, 2017

1. Fort Joy - Burning Pigs
2. Fort Joy - Feder
3. Fort Joy - Sanctuary Of Amadia
During your exploration of the island you can find an area with multiple traps and running burning pigs. Use Bless ability on all of the pigs that you can find in this area. When you heal a first one you will have to participate in a battle.
After healing all pigs you must go near the beach with a dragon. There, you can find one of the pigs - Feder. Speak with it. You learn that Feder is really a human. Head to Sanctuary Of Amadia.

Speak with Feder again when you reach Sanctuary Of Amadia. Suggest her that she should go to a healing spring near Amadia's statue. When she enters the spring she gets her human form back.
Reward: 3600 experience points