Hogwarts Legacy: Professor Hecat's Assignment 1 Hogwarts Legacy guide
On this page of the Hogwarts Legacy guide, you will find a walkthrough for Professor Hecat's Assignment 1. We explain how to unlock the Assignment, how to win the rounds of Crossed Wands and Spell Combination Training, as well as how to learn the fire spell Incendio.
Last update: Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Professor Hecat's Assignment 1 is one of the professors' assignments in Hogwarts Legacy. Our walkthrough describes when the quest is unlocked, how to complete Hecat's assignments (Crossed Wands, spell combinations) and how to get the Incendio spell which sets enemies and objects on fire.
- Unlocking the quest
- Quest rewards
- Report to Professor Hecat
- Win two rounds of Crossed Wands
- Complete a round of spell combination with Lucan Brattleby
- Return to Professor Hecat
Unlocking the quest
The Hecat's assignment is unlocked during the Locket's Secret main quest, in which your character has to talk to Professor Fig after returning from Hogsmeade.
Completing this quest is mandatory, because without it you cannot start the next main quest Secrets of the Restricted Section.
Quest rewards
- XP;
- unlocking the Incendio spell - it is used for fire attacks and for setting objects in the vicinity on fire.
Report to Professor Hecat

You can find Professor Hecat in the classroom. You have to complete 2 quests for her before she rewards your character and teaches you the Incendio spell.
Win two rounds of Crossed Wands

Crossed Wands is the title of a series of side quests and we have described them in detail on a separate page of our walkthrough. There are a maximum of 3 rounds to play, but you only need to complete two rounds for this quest.
Lucan Brattleby is the student you need to talk to in order to enter fights. You can fight solo or with your chosen companion. The goal of each round is to beat the opposing team's students. Attack them with spells of the same color as the shields they're hiding behind (e.g. purple shield - Accio, yellow shield - Levioso) and use the Protego spell to block their ranged attacks.
Complete a round of spell combination with Lucan Brattleby

Spell Combination Training is the title of a series of side quests and we have described them in detail on a separate page of our walkthrough. For the current assignment, you only need to complete the first round of training.
Lucan Brattleby is the apprentice you need to talk to in order to prepare the dummy for spell training. Your task is to perform a series of spells based on their list at the top of the screen (e.g. Levioso and then a series of basic spells). Successive spells must be cast in short intervals so that the dummy does not land - then you would have to repeat the entire sequence.
Return to Professor Hecat

Meet Professor Hecat again. You will learn the Incendio spell. Put it immediately into the active slot in your quick pick spellset (right click on the gamepad and select 1 of the 4 slots for Incendio).