Arx Puzzles | Puzzles and secrets Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Monday, October 16, 2017
In this chapter you can find solutions for all key puzzles that you can come across during your exploration of the last big location in the game, Arx.
- Reaching Thieves Guild
- Hidden levers (Hammerfall quest)
- Items from Old Means Gold quest
- A secret room in Vault of Linder Kemm
- Pipes puzzle (Hammerfall quest)
Reaching Thieves Guild

Thieves Guild is a side location - you don't need to visit it in order to complete the game, however, you must get there if you want to unlock a secret room in Vault of Linder Kemm. In order to reach the Guild, you must first enter the sewers - its entrance is presented in the picture above.

Enter the sewers and activate a teleportation shrine. Go around it and use a ladder to reach the lower floor. Now, you must go to the north-east part of the undergrounds where you can find a room full of crates with Deathfog. Select a character with high Wits and move it near the east wall. This reveals a secret passage to the Thieves Guild (your map displays yellow icons that represent characters that you can find in that location).
Hidden levers (Hammerfall quest)

During a quest called Hammerfall you can reach a place where you must face Battle Source Puppets. After that you can notice various levers in the area - you must activate only some of them and this must be done in a specific order. The order is as follows: Potency, Order, Wisdom, Empathy, Righteousness. This opens a hidden passage - making a mistake means that you have start again.
Items from Old Means Gold quest

Old Means Gold requires you to find 3 unique items in Vault of Linder Kemm - you can reach that place during a quest with the same name. The first item that you are looking for is Painting of the Divine - the painting is located in a hidden room (finding it requires high Wits) in the east part of the location.

The second item is located east from the place where you found the picture - Scrolls of Eternity can be found on a drawer near the stairs that lead up.

The last item, The Cup of Kings, can be found in the north-west part of the room - the cup stands on a table. Collect them all and return to the quest giver.
A secret room in Vault of Linder Kemm

In order to reach a secret room in Vault of Linder Kemm you must first collect a certain item - An Unusual Painting. You can find it in the Thieves Guild - it stands next to a monster called Latif. Get closer to the painting, speak with the monster and then with Big Tomorrah. You can get the painting during your conversation with the child.

After that you must go to Vault of Linder Kemm and go to the south end of the room. Stand between the two paintings and use Source Vision. Then, you must interact with the picture that have appeared and place the recently acquired painting there.

Go into the unlocked part of the room, collect all items, including Responsibility picture from a wall (you will need it soon). Then, move closer to the wall between the two bookshelves. The bookshelf on the right contains Tome of The God King - click on it and open another hidden passage. Go to the undergrounds.

Pick up the shield and approach the altar. Place Responsibility painting on the altar after having a short conversation. This opens another passage. There, you can find a character, Karon, imprisoned inside of a cage. You can also find a pentagram - light up all hearths on the altar at the same time (e.g. by using Fireball). This allows you to start a rather difficult fight.
Pipes puzzle (Hammerfall quest)

During a quest called Hammerfall you will reach a room located under Cathedral. You can't make progress further because of a force field. The first thing that you must do is to cast Raining Blood on a nearby storm grate (presented in the picture) or create blood in any other way (by using Flesh Sacrifice or attacking one of your own characters). Then, cast Bless on the blood.

After that you must interact with the altar and select the second dialog option. Your goal is to move the pipes in a such way that will allow Blessed Blood, Blessed Fire and Blessed Water to go up to the right containers. Then, you must interact with the altar again and select the third dialog option. If everything was done properly then you will unlock a hidden entrance. If you have problems with this puzzle, you can watch the attached video that shows the solution.