Red Dead Redemption 2: The Fine Art of Conversation - walkthrough Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide and Walkthrough
The Fine Art of Conversation mission involves participating in a meeting between colonel Favours and Rains Fall. Our Red Dead Redemption 2 walkthrough shows what to do in order to complete the task and how to handle hindrances that may appear during the mission.
Last update: Wednesday, September 28, 2022
The Fine Art of Conversation is one of the main missions available in Red Dead Redemption 2. Arthur participates in the meeting between colonel Favours and Rains Fall - the chief hopes for peace.
Note!: We recommend doing Of Men and Angels side mission before you start this one. Otherwise, "Of Men and Angels" mission will become unavailable!

How to unlock: After "Honor, Amongst Thieves".
Walkthrough: Speak with Trelawny. The Indian chief appears - he wants you to participate in parley. Go there. Arthur won't feel good. While you are in the tent, eavesdrop the conversation between two guards.

Watch a few cut-scenes. Follow the guard to the horses. You now have to escape from the camp - shoot the hostile soldiers. Try to kill at least one horse - this is one of the requirements for the gold medal.

Dismount your horse when captain Monroe falls - use covers and fight with enemies. Kill all of them. Go back to your horse. Continue your escape. You have to defeat a few more enemies.
Take the captain to the train - watch the final cut-scene.
How to get a gold medal in The Fine Art of Conversation?
- Kill a pursers' horse during the escape - Try to shoot at least one horse during your escape from the law enforcers.
- Complete within 9 minutes and 30 seconds - Run away and fight with the enemies - you have to do both at the same time.
- Complete with at least 75% accuracy - A typical challenge found in many missions available in RDR2.
- Complete the mission without taking any health items.