The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Map of important locations M3 The Witcher 3 Guide
In this chapter you will find map of Crow's Perch and information about most important places, NPCs and enemies available in this part of Velen.
Last update: Monday, September 27, 2021
Key points of Witcher 3 M3 - Crow's Perch - Atlas
1,2,3... - Main locations on the map
Points of interest on the map
Road signs
Strong enemies
Important NPC characters on the map
1,2,3... - Main locations on the map
1 – Heatherton
You visit this place primarily because of "The Nilfgaardian Connection" main quest.
2 – Crow's Perch
This castle is a place of residence for a local baron and meeting this person is a part of "Bloody Baron" main quest.
There are some interesting people in the castle including merchants, Gwent players and a craftsman. You can also temporarily upgrade your weapons and armor here. Most of these things become available after you've met with the baron.
3 – Crossroads
You will encounter Ronvid here (lvl 9) and he will challenge Geralt to an honourable duel. Once you've defeated him you can let him go or threaten him that you'll kill him the next time (25 xp).
4 – Blackbough
There are two merchants and a blacksmith in this village. You can also unlock several quests here.
5 – Pellar's hut
You must visit the pellar as a part of the "Family Matters" quest. Once you've finished "A Princess in Distress" quest you will be allowed to trade with him.
6 – Hidden treasure
Castle on a rock - you'll find here part of equipment "Griffin School Gear" in the chest. Building is guarded by a wyvern (lvl 14). To get inside use underwater tunnel beneth Place of Power. In the cave climp up rocks on your left side.
7 – Bandits by the bridge
The bandits want Geralt to pay for crossing the bridge. You can show them the Witcher medallion to grant Geralt safe passage or you can defeat them in combat.
8 – Burned Ruins
Check the ruins to find a chest with a schematic. It's an upgrade for the trousers from the Witcher's griffin school gear.
9 – Bear cave
Kill the bear and then explore the cave. You will find a diagram for an upgraded steel sword from the Witcher's Bear school gear.
Important NPC characters on the map
Anselm – Anselm the trader - he offers you a discount and will be here, after you rescue his convoy (map M2, mark 16 "Convoy")
Baron Phillip Strenger – He is involved in the main storyline and you can also play cards (Gwent) with him.
Fergus Graem – His primary occupation is a craftsman (he can create new objects, repair them etc.), however he's also a Gwent card player and he's connected to a quest involving preparing a high quality armor for Geralt. Fergus is selling various things including repair kits, diagrams, crafting materials, books and armor elements.
Pellar – You can trade with him after you've completed "A Princess in Distress" main quest. He's selling various alchemy ingredients, as well as glyphs, recipes and manuscript pages.
Blacksmith – He is a craftsman so he can create new objects, repair them etc. The blacksmith also plays Gwent and sells a treasurfe map, repair kits, diagrams, crafting materials and swords.
Quartermaster – He's selling lots of different things, including a treasure map, glyphs, Gwent cards, alchemy ingredients, alcohol, food and a unique bow.
Shopkeeper – You can play Gwent with this person and also trade - the shopkeeper is selling Gwent cards, saddlebags (they increase maximum weight limit) and food.
Shopkeepers – The first shopkeeper is selling a treasure map and alchemy ingredients. You can also play Gwent with him.
The second shopkeeper offers various animal skins and crafting materials.
Strong enemies
Botchling – You will fight the botchling only if you decide to attack it while completing the "Family Matters" main quest.
Shrieker – You will have a chance to defeat the shrieker after you've advanced in the "Contract: Shrieker" Witcher contract quest.
Werewolf – You will have a chance to defeat the werewolf after you've advanced in the "Wild at Heart" side quest.
On this page of the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide, you will find a map of Crow's Perch, the largest fort in Velen. On the map of the world atlas we have marked, among others, important locations and characters from Crow's Perch and its surroundings, as well as all the signposts found in the immediate vicinity of the castle.
- Crow's Perch: description
- Crow's Perch: Most important places
- Crow's Perch: Most important NPCs
- Crow's Perch: Enemy types near
- Crow's Perch: Important information
Crow's Perch: description
The map above shows the territory surrounding the Crow's Perch, a medium-sized castle visited in order to meet with the Bloody Baron who lives inside.
On the map, you will find the perch itself and other important locations, sign posts and various optional places that Geralt can visit. Similarly to the Inn by the Crossroads, you shouldn't visit some places too early as threats that await there can be too much for the main protagonist.
Crow's Perch: Most important places
2. Crow's Perch
This castle is a place of residence for a local baron and meeting this person is a part of Bloody Baron main quest. There are some interesting people in the castle including merchants, Gwent players and a craftsman. You can also temporarily upgrade your weapons and armor here. Some of these things become available after you've met with the baron.
4. Blackbough
There are two merchants and a blacksmith in this village. You can also unlock several quests here.
5. Pellar's hut
You must visit the pellar as a part of the Family Matters quest. Once you've finished A Princess in Distress quest, you will be allowed to trade with him.
6. Lornruk
A castle on the rock can be found here. Inside, a strong wyvern (14 experience level) is constantly flying - you can try to slay this monster or try to avoid contact with it while exploring the castle. At first you can't enter the castle because the bridge is closed. You must jump to the water, dive near the castle and find an underwater tunnel leading to a room with the ladder. The most important thing to be found in the castle is a diagram related to Griffin School Gear quest. Additionally, near the rock on the water there is a Place of Power.
Crow's Perch: Most important NPCs
Baron Philip Strenger (M3,2) He is involved in the main storyline and you can also play cards (Gwent) with him.
Fergus Graem (M3,2) - His primary occupation is craftsmanship (he can create new objects, repair them etc.); however, he's also a Gwent card player and he's connected to a quest involving preparing a high quality armor for Geralt. Fergus is selling various things including repair kits, diagrams, crafting materials, books and armor elements.
Quartermaster (M3,2) - He's selling lots of different things, including a treasure map, glyphs, Gwent cards, alchemy ingredients, alcohol, food and a unique bow.
Blacksmith (M3,4) - He is a craftsman so he can create new objects, repair them etc. The blacksmith also plays Gwent and sells a treasure map, repair kits, diagrams, crafting materials and swords.
Pellar (M3,5) - You can trade with him after you've completed A Princess in Distress main quest. He's selling various alchemy ingredients, as well as glyphs, recipes and manuscript pages.
Crow's Perch: Enemy types near
Water Hag
Wild Dog
Forktail - Battles with this monster are quite requiring. He can deal large damage, mostly by using his sharp tail. A good idea is to stun the forktail with Aard sign, deal a series of fast attacks and jump away. You can additionally help your self with grapeshot bombs and draconid oil.
Rabid Dog - He is very similar to wild dogs. He frequently has higher experience level than wild dogs.
Crow's Perch: Important information
It is wise to visit the most important location of this part of game world, the Crow's perch itself, as quickly as possible. It will unlock access to a craftsman, new merchants and people playing cards. Additionally, by completing the quests for baron you can easily gain experience that is very precious at the beginning of the game.
Don't go to the North of this territory at the beginning. Strong monsters reside there and they can easily kill you.
If due to decisions you made during main quests the baron have killed himself, the Perch will be controlled by baron's men. When you revisit the castle after that, you will see as some of them bully helpless peasants - you can ignore it or help the civilians (a battle to win).