Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost of Our Love Hogwarts Legacy guide
Ghost of Our Love is a side quest with a secret from the treasure map in the game Hogwarts Legacy. The walkthrough from our guide explains how to unlock the side quest, how to read the treasure map, where to find the levitating candles and how to reach the chest with the unique treasure.
Last update: Wednesday, February 22, 2023
This page of the guide to Hogwarts Legacy has a walkthrough for the Ghost of Our Love side quest. In the walkthrough, we explain how to unlock the quest (starting points are different for each of the Houses) and get a treasure map, where to find levitating candles and how to reach a chest with a unique treasure in the Forbidden Forest region.
- Unlocking the quest
- Rewards for completing the quest
- Use the Map with Floating Candles to find the treasure
Unlocking the quest
The circumstances for starting this quest vary depending on the House you chose. Here is the list of the quest's starting locations:
- Gryffindor - The quest marker will appear while exploring the northern part of Hogsmeade.

- Slitherin - The quest can be started while completing the main quest Scrope's Last Hope. During it, you can enter the grotto below Hogwarts (picture above) and open a large chest.
- Hufflepuff - Reach the Upper Hogsfield located in the northern part of the map.

- Ravenclaw - Visit the Owlery in Hogwarts. The map is at the very top of the tower.

Regardless of which House you represent, you will find a treasure map and unlock the side quest.
The further course of the quest is the same for all Houses.
After closing the map, you can open it again by going to the inventory (story items tab).
Rewards for completing the quest

- XP;
- Appearance - you will unlock a new neckwear cosmetic item (Treasure-Seeker's Scarf).
Use the Map with Floating Candles to find the treasure

Open the world map. Your destination is the Floo Flames in the Forbidden Forest - the fast travel point is north of Hogwarts.

Upon arrival, you must make sure that it is nighttime. If you arrive during the day, open the map and use the Wait option (press the right analog stick).

You will need the Lumos spell - if you don't have it equipped, open the quick select spellset menu (right direction on the D pad) and put it in either of the 4 slots.

Approach the bridge southwest of the floo flames. Cast the Lumos spell and enchanted flying candles should appear (refer to picture).

Flying candles will lead you to the treasure. Follow them north into the forest. Avoid unnecessary fights along the way.

You will reach small hills in the Forbidden Forest, where a treasure chest (scarf - a cosmetic item) will be revealed. Looting it will end the side quest.