Dredge: What are Infected Fish? Dredge guide, tips
Infected Fish are fishes that can appear in the Dredge game in the ship's hold. Our guide explains when a Condition called Infected is imposed and whether infected fish can still be sold.
Last update: Thursday, April 6, 2023
When playing Dredge, the Condition parameter for caught fishes may become Infected. On this page of the guide, you will find out what the Infected Fish status means, under what circumstances it can be imposed, and what you can do with an infected fish.
Infected Fish in cargo hold

The transported fishes can become Infected - an example of such a Condition for the Black Grouper fish is shown in the picture. The appearance of the fish changes in this state.

Infection can be a result of an attack by an underwater monster which may occur when traveling at night after your Panic gauge is charged. The message Something slithers into your cargo hold will appear on the screen - in that situation, check the condition of the cargo hold.
Selling infected fish

The infection does not spread to other fish, but the infected ones lose their value. You can sell fish with the Infected status, but you will only get 30% of their default value . It becomes especially noticeable if a rare species you caught has been infected. Try to sell fish as soon as possible or move them to Storage until you sold them.
The price of a fish can also decrease if it becomes Rotten. Then you also get only 30% of the full price.