The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Opponents - list of cards and players The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Tuesday, September 7, 2021
This page of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt has a list of Gwent opponents. This list can help you defeat 100% of the players. We have also prepared a list of the cards from the basic decks that can be won or bought.
- Gwent players - general information
- Quests related with playing Gwent
- Cards that can be obtained during unrelated quests with Gwent
- Innkeepers - list of purchasable cards
- Enemy list
- List of Gwent cards
Gwent players - general information

Most of your opponents are merchants and traders, so you will find many of them in Novigrad.
Second opponents group are found during quests, they are specific characters found in specific places.
With common opponents you play for cards - each unique game won allows you to win a random card from a random faction. The key to play in quests is collecting a strong deck.
Quests related with playing Gwent
In addition to standard Gwent games against merchants, there are some tournament games with stronger opponents in which you can win unique cards.
Gwent: Collect 'Em All - first quest that companies you for most of the game. It's about collecting all possible cards. You can have more than one piece of some cards - in this quest you must have every card, especially the unique ones. The number of cards, including the repeated ones, is limited. To collect all of them, you must complete all quests related to the card game and defeat most (not all) "standard" opponents (innkeepers, merchants). When you no longer are rewarded with a card after the game, then it means that you have all non-unique cards.
Gwent: Velen Players - players from northern part of Velen. It's the first phase of the tournament games. You start it with a game with Bloody Baron and you have three more enemies to defeat in villages. After winning with Baron (Northern Kingdoms deck, Sigismund Dijkstra card), win with the boatbuilder in Oreton (Nilfgaard deck, Letho card) and fortune teller in Benek (Monsters deck, Weavess crone card). Once you defeat any of them, you will unlock access to playing with Hadek in Midcopse (Northern Kingdoms deck, Vernon Roche card).
Gwent: Big City Players - you receive this quest after talking with Vimme Vivaldi in Novigrad. You have total of four opponents. After winning with Vivaldi (Scoia'tael deck, Vesemir card) go to Marquise Serenity (Nilfgaard deck, Moorvran Voorhis card). Your next opponent is Dijkstra - you will be able to play with him after advancing in the storyline (Northern Kingdoms deck, Esterad Thyssen card). Last opponent is elven merchant in Farcorners (Scoia'tael deck, Cirilla card). For completing the quest you will also receive commander card Francesca Findabair, the most beautiful woman in the world.
Gwent: Playing Inkeeps - continuation of the previous quest with Gwent players in Novigrad. You must win with three opponents in different places. First win with Stjepan in the inn in Oxenfurt (Nilfgaard deck, Yennefer card). Then the inn owner in Farcorners (Nilfgaard deck, Menno Coehoorn card) or available at this point Oliver in Novigrad's inn (Monsters deck, Tibor Eggebracht card).
High Stakes - Most prestigious tournament in which you will have to defeat four opponents in a row to complete it successfully. 1000 crowns and a strong enough deck will be required to enter the tournament. First opponent is Bernard Tulle (Northern Kingdoms deck, Foltest card), second is Sasha (Nilfgaardian Empire deck, Emhyr var Emreis card) and automatically another opponent Finneas (Scoia'tael deck, Francesca Findabair card) - after the battle with this opponent a fist fight for life or death will start. Last opponent is Count (Monsters deck, Eredin card). You won't receive money for winning, unless you continue the plot...
Once the money is stolen (you can't avoid that), together with Sasha examine the balcony. You will find a bolt. Then, near the fountain below, a tape, which smell will lead you to a chest. Meet with the girl in the docks, near the warehouse - entrance is through the first floor, from the northern side. Defeat 6 enemies inside (level 26-27). You will receive 4500 crowns.
Gwent: Old Pals - this quest becomes available after completing the main plot in Novigrad (saving Dandelion). Your first opponent is Zoltan (in front of the Rosemary and Thyme inn) (Scoia'tael deck, Eithne card). Then win a card from Vernon Roche in his hideout (Northern Kingdoms deck, Seasenthessis card). Then, when you have a chance (during the quest in Novigrad or in Kaer Morhen) play with Lambert (Scoia'tael deck, Triss Merigold card).
Important - Thaler is part of the list above as well. You rescue him during the Plot quest. But if you complete the quest above before you save Talar, playing with him will be still possible later, in a separate quest about playing only with him (Scoia'tael deck, Geralt card).
Gwent: Skellige Style - you will find an announcement on the notice board in the village under Kaer Trolde fortress. You must complete first main quest Echoes of the Past to start it - that's when you meet the first opponent, Mousesack (Monster deck, Leshen card). After him, you can challenge Crach an Craite (Monster deck, Draug card) and Gremist (Nilfgaard deck, Mysterious elf/Avallac'h card). After winning with Crach, play with Lugos (Monster deck, Katakan card). For completing the quest you will receive Emhyr var Emreis card).
Cards that can be obtained during unrelated quests with Gwent
Not all cards can be simply bought or won. Some can only be obtained by completing side quests.
Location | Cards |
The noble man in the garden in the Emhyr's palace (an exclamation mark on the mini-map) [Vizima] | Foltest: The Siegemaster |
A Dangerous Game quest [Zoltan, Novigrad] | Fringilla Vigo, Isengrim Faoiltiarnah, Jan Natalis |
Shock Teraphy quest [Druid, Gedyneith, Ard Skellig] | Iorveth |
A Matter of Life and Death quest, Novigrad, during the prom (exclamation on the mini-map) | Milva, Vampires: Bruxa, Dandelion |
Innkeepers - list of purchasable cards
Some innkeepers (and much more common merchants) can sell you cards. Those are not unique cards, but they aren't random as well - you will find mediocre cards and leader cards in their offer. Below you will find a list of cards that can be bought from various merchants.
White Orchard
Location | Cards |
Inn in the White Orchard (Elsa) | Foltest Lord Commander of the North, Blue Stripes Commando, Crinfrid Reavers, Catapult, Decoy |
Location | Cards |
Inn at the Crossroads | Emhyr var Emreis Emperor of Nilfgaard, Kaedweni Siege Expert, Commander's Horn |
Cunny of The Goose | Young Emissary, Francesca Findabair Daisy of The Valley, Scorch |
Midcopse (merchant) | Archers backup, Morteisen, Rainfarn, Heavy Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion, Black Infantry Archer |
Crow's Perch (merchant) | Albrich, Nausicaa Cavalry Rider, Impera Brigade Guard, Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion |
Claywich (merchant) | Sweers, Puttkammer |
Crow's Perch (quartermaster) | Cynthia |
Inn in Oxenfurt (Stjepan) | Dwarven Skirmisher |
Location | Cards |
Passiflora | Foltest the Steel-Forged, Emhyr var Emreis the Relentless, Francesca Findabair Queen of Dol Blathanna, Eredin King of the Wild Hunt. |
Golden Sturgeon | Siege Technician, Barclay Els, Dol Blathanna Scout |
Kingfisher Inn (Olivier) | Vrihedd Brigade |
Cunny of The Goose (Farcorners) | Young Emissary, Francesca Findabair Daisy of The Valley, Scorch |
Location | Cards |
Arinbjorn | Thaler, Arachas, Crone: Whispess, Fiend |
Urialla Village | Elven Skirmisher, Werewolf |
Kaer Trolde | Eredin King of the Wild Hunt, Botchling, Earth elemental |
Harviken | Ghoul, Nekker, Harpy, Vampire: Fleder |
Svorlag | Foglet, Vampire: Ekkima, Ice giant |
Enemy list
The list below contains lesser players, such as merchants, blacksmiths, innkeepers, unrelated to Gwent quests. Only the first victory against a player rewards you with a card. If you play with a given person again, you will only win resources.
You obtain a card only after the first won game, in all next ones, only materials. Cards you won are random. To collect all, you must defeat most of these enemies (around 80%). You will know that you have all once after winning with a new opponent you won't receive any new card.
Location | Profession |
Mulbrydale | Armorer |
Lindenvale | Blacksmith |
Lindenvale | Merchant |
Crow's Perch | Merchant |
Crow's Perch | Quartermaster |
Crow's Perch | Blacksmith |
Crow's Perch | Yoana (blacksmith's assistant) |
Blackbough | Blacksmith |
Blackbough | Merchant |
Midcopse | Armorer |
Midcopse | Merchant |
Oreton | Merchant |
Claywich | Merchant |
Nilfgarardian Camp (southeastern part of the map) | Quartermaster |
Oxenfurt (outside the city, north from the eastern bridge) | Herbalist |
Oxenfurt | Merchant |
Oxenfurt | Armorer |
Oxenfurt | Blacksmith |
Oxenfurt | Innkeeper |
Location | Profession |
Cunny of the Goose, Farcorners | Innkeeper |
Seven Cat Inn, outside the town - east | Innkeeper |
Alchemist hut - behind the wall, east from the city | Alchemist |
Temple Island | Alchemist |
North market | Shopkeeper |
East of the city | Innkeeper |
East of the city | Merchant |
East of the city | Moneylender |
West of the city | Innkeeper |
West of the city | Blacksmith |
West of the city | Fish trader |
West of the city | Merchant |
City center (smaller south market) | Merchant |
City center (smaller south market) | Blacksmith |
City center (market) | Bookseller |
City center (market) | Innkeeper |
Tretogor's Gate | Merchant |
Island beyond the Tretogor's gate | Townsman |
Crippled Kate | Innkeeper |
Southern part of the city | Merchant |
Southern part of the city | Herbalist |
Rosemary and Thyme (inn) | Dandelion |
Location | Profession |
Svorlag (western island) | Merchant |
Svorlag (western island) | Innkeeper |
Svorlag (western island) | Armorer |
Urialla (northern island) | Armorer |
Urialla (northern island) | Blacksmith |
Urialla (northern island) | Innkeeper |
Larvik (eastern island) | Innkeeper |
Larvik (eastern island) | Innkeeper |
Larvik (eastern island) | Armorer |
Larvik (eastern island) | Merchant |
Harviken (southeastern island) | Innkeeper |
Harviken (southeastern island) | Blacksmith |
Kaer Trolde (northern part of the island) | Blacksmith |
Kaer Trolde (northern part of the island) | Armorer |
Kaer Trolde (northern part of the island) | Herbalist |
Kaer Trolde (northern part of the island) | Innkeeper |
Blandare (northern part of the island) | Merchant |
Fayrlund (central part of the island) | Blacksmith |
Fayrlund (central part of the island) | Merchant |
Arinbjorn (central part of the island) | Blacksmith |
Arinbjorn (central part of the island) | Innkeeper |
Fyresdal (southern part of the island) | Merchant |
Fyresdal (southern part of the island) | Blacksmith |
Kaer Muire (southern part of the island) | Blacksmith |
Kaer Muire (southern part of the island) | Armorer |
Kaer Muire [port] (southern part of the island) | Merchant |
List of Gwent cards
Below you will find a list of all Gwent cards that can be found in the basic version of the game. From the previous lists you can learn how to obtain them. If some wasn't mentioned, it means there are won randomly at merchants/innkeepers or you get them as part of the starting deck.
Northern Kingdoms
Name | Type | Quantity | Attributes | Strength |
Vernon Roche | Infantry | 1 | Hero | 10 |
John Natalis | Infantry | 1 | Hero | 10 |
Esterad Thyssen | Infantry | 1 | Hero | 10 |
Ves | Infantry | 1 | ? | 5 |
Siegfried of Denesle | Infantry | 1 | ? | 5 |
Prince Stennis | Infantry | 1 | Spy | 5 |
Sigismund Dijkstra | Infantry | 1 | Spy | 4 |
Blue Stripes Commando | Infantry | 3 | Bond | 4 |
Yarpen Zirgin | Infantry | 1 | ? | 2 |
Redanian Foot Soldier | Infantry | 2 | ? | 1 |
Poor Fucking Infantry | Infantry | 4 | Bond | 1 |
Philippa Eilhart | Shooter | 1 | Hero | 10 |
Detmold | Shooter | 1 | ? | 6 |
Keira Metz | Shooter | 1 | ? | 5 |
Shela de Tancarville | Shooter | 1 | ? | 5 |
Crinfrid Reavers | Shooter | 3 | Bond | 5 |
Sabrina Glevissig | Shooter | 1 | ? | 4 |
Sheldon Skaggs | Shooter | 1 | ? | 4 |
Catapult | Siege unit | 2 | Bond | 8 |
Trebuchet | Siege unit | 2 | ? | 6 |
Ballista | Siege unit | 1 | ? | 6 |
Siege tower | Siege unit | 1 | ? | 6 |
Dun Banner Medic | Siege unit | 1 | Medic | 5 |
Thaler | Siege unit | 1 | Spy | 1 |
Kaedweni Siege Expert | Siege unit | 3 | High morale | 1 |
Foltest King of Temeria | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Foltest Lord Commander of the North | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Foltest the Siegemaster | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Foltest the Steel-Forged | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Nilfgaardian Empire
Name | Type | Quantity | Attributes | Strength |
Letho of Gulet | Infantry | 1 | Hero | 10 |
Menno Coehoorn | Infantry | 1 | Hero, medic | 10 |
Stefan Skellen | Infantry | 1 | Spy | 9 |
Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen | Infantry | 1 | Spy | 7 |
Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Caellach | Infantry | 1 | ? | 6 |
Young Emissary | Infantry | 2 | Bond | 5 |
Rainfarn | Infantry | ? | ? | 4 |
Vattier de Rideaux | Infantry | 1 | Spy | 4 |
Morteisen | Infantry | 1 | ? | 3 |
Impera Brigade Guard | Infantry | 4 | Bond | 3 |
Vreemde | Infantry | 1 | ? | 2 |
Nausicaa Cavalry Rider | Infantry | 3 | Bond | 2 |
Tibor Eggebracht | Shooter | 1 | Hero | 10 |
Black Infantry Archer | Shooter | 2 | ? | 10 |
Assire var Anahid | Shooter | 1 | ? | 6 |
Fringilla Vigo | Shooter | 1 | ? | 6 |
Renuald aep Matsen | Shooter | 1 | ? | 5 |
Cynthia | Shooter | 1 | ? | 4 |
Vanhemar | Shooter | 1 | ? | 4 |
Puttkammer | Shooter | 1 | ? | 3 |
Albrich | Shooter | 1 | ? | 2 |
Sweers | Shooter | 1 | ? | 2 |
Etolian Auxiliary Archers | Shooter | 2 | Medic | 1 |
Moorvran Voorhis | Siege unit | 1 | ? | 10 |
Heavy Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion | Siege unit | 1 | ? | 10 |
Sweers | Siege unit | 1 | ? | 6 |
Zerrikanian Fire Scorpion | Siege unit | 1 | ? | 5 |
Rotten Mangonel | Siege unit | 1 | ? | 3 |
Siege Technician | Siege unit | 1 | Medic | 0 |
Emhyr var Emreis the Relentless | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Emhyr var Emreis Emperor of Nilfgaard | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Emhyr var Emreis the White Flame | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Emhyr var Emreis His Imperial Majesty | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Name | Type | Quantity | Attributes | Strength |
Isengrim Faoiltiarna | Infantry | 1 | Hero, high morale | 10 |
Dennis Cranmer | Infantry | 1 | ? | 6 |
Filavandrel aen Findhail | Infantry/Shooter | 1 | Agility | 6 |
Yaevinn | Infantry/Shooter | 1 | Agility | 6 |
Barclay Els | Infantry/Shooter | 1 | Agility | 6 |
Dol Blathanna Scout | Infantry/Shooter | 3 | Agility | 6 |
Havekar Smuggler | Infantry | 3 | Brotherhood | 5 |
Vrihedd Brigade Veteran | Infantry/Shooter | 2 | Agility | 5 |
Mahakaman Defender | Infantry | 5 | ? | 5 |
Ciaran aep Easnillien | Infantry/Shooter | 1 | Agility | 3 |
Dwarven Skirmisher | Infantry | 3 | Brotherhood | 3 |
Eithne | Shooter | 1 | Hero | 10 |
Saesenthessis | Shooter | 1 | Hero | 10 |
Iorveth | Shooter | 1 | Hero | 10 |
Milva | Shooter | 1 | Medic | 10 |
Ida Emean aep Sivney | Shooter | 1 | ? | 6 |
Vrihedd Brigade Recruit | Shooter | 1 | ? | 4 |
Dol Blathanna Archer | Shooter | 1 | ? | 4 |
Toruviel | Shooter | 1 | ? | 2 |
Elven Skirmisher | Shooter | 3 | Brotherhood | 2 |
Riordain | Shooter | 1 | ? | 1 |
Havekar Healer | Shooter | 3 | Medic | 0 |
Francesca Findabair Pureblood Elf | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Francesca Findabair Daisy of The Valley | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Francesca Findabair the Beautiful | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Francesca Findabair Queen of Dol Blathanna | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Name | Type | Quantity | Attributes | Strength |
Draug | Infantry | 1 | Hero | 10 |
Imlerith | Infantry | 1 | Hero | 10 |
Kayran | Infantry/Shooter | 1 | Hero, high morale | 8 |
Fiend | Infantry | 1 | ? | 6 |
Crone Weavess | Infantry | 1 | Brotherhood | 6 |
Crone: Brewess | Infantry | 1 | Brotherhood | 6 |
Crone: Whispess | Infantry | 1 | Brotherhood | 6 |
Forktail | Infantry | 1 | ? | 5 |
Plague Maiden | Infantry | 1 | ? | 5 |
Griffin | Infantry | 1 | ? | 5 |
Werewolf | Infantry | 1 | ? | 5 |
Frightener | Infantry | 1 | ? | 5 |
Vampire: Katakan | Infantry | 1 | Brotherhood | 5 |
Botchling | Infantry | 1 | Brotherhood | 4 |
Arachas | Infantry | 3 | Brotherhood | 4 |
Vampire: Ekkima | Infantry | 1 | Brotherhood | 4 |
Vampire: Fledder | Infantry | 1 | Brotherhood | 4 |
Vampire: Garkain | Infantry | 1 | Brotherhood | 4 |
Vampire: Bruxa | Infantry | 1 | Brotherhood | 4 |
Harpy | Infantry/Shooter | 1 | Agility | 2 |
Harpy Celaeno | Infantry/Shooter | 1 | Agility | 2 |
Foglet | Infantry | 1 | ? | 2 |
Nekker | Infantry | 3 | Brotherhood | 2 |
Ghoul | Infantry | 3 | Brotherhood | 1 |
Leshen | Shooter | 1 | Hero | 10 |
Grave hag | Shooter | 1 | ? | 5 |
Endriaga | Shooter | 1 | ? | 2 |
Basilisk | Shooter | 1 | ? | 2 |
Gargoyle | Shooter | 1 | ? | 2 |
Wyvern | Shooter | 1 | ? | 2 |
Earth elemental | Siege unit | 1 | ? | 6 |
Fire elemental | Siege unit | 1 | ? | 6 |
Arachas Behemoth | Siege unit | 1 | Brotherhood | 6 |
Ice Giant | Siege unit | 1 | ? | 5 |
Eredin Commander of the Red Riders | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Eredin King of the Wild Hunt | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Eredin Destroyer of Worlds | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Eredin Bringer of Death | Commander card | ? | ? | ? |
Universal hero cards
Name | Type | Attributes | Strengths |
Geralt of Rivii | Infantry | Hero | 15 |
Cirilla | Infantry | Hero | 15 |
Yennefer of Vengerbergu | Infantry | Hero, medyk | 7 |
Triss Merigold | Infantry | Hero | 7 |
Mysterious elf/Avellac'h | Infantry | Hero, spy | 0 |
Special and weather cards
Name | Quantity |
Decoy | 3 |
Commander's Horn | 3 |
Scorch | 3 |
Biting Frost | 3 |
Impenetrable Fog | 3 |
Torrential Rain | 2 |
Clear Weather | 2 |