The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Easter eggs The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Tuesday, August 10, 2021
This page of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide has selected easter eggs, that is various funny situations and verbal jokes referencing other games or popular culture. There are many such attractions hidden in Witcher 3 and we encourage you to find them without the help of this guide.

- When you're in Crow's Perch, walk through the corridors of the main castle. One of the conversation between guards is a homage to the Pulp Fiction movie directed by Quentin Tarantino, more specifically to the scene with a guy in sadomaso suit. You can watch the conversation between the guards here: Another reference to Pulp Fiction is the statement "Zed's dead" that Geralt says during one of the quests in Novigrad.
- One of the gwent cards (Black Infantry Archer) has a funny description referring to the guards from Skyrim game who whim that they are frequently hit in the knee.
- During the game you can find many references to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, including a scene when someone is preparing the "Holy hand grenade" or a Snow Hare in the Hidden in the stars quest.
- While Geralt travels through the world he can meet a bounty hunter Django Frett, a witcher version of Jango Fett from Star Wars. Another reference to the space saga are the shouts "Let the Force of the Eternal Fire be with you!" that can be heard while walking through the streets of Novigrad.
- You can find a graveyard near the Lindenvale village in Velen. On the cemetery there's a shrine with two angels on the sides of the entrance to it. If you walk inside and then walk out the statues will move. It's a reference to Weeping Angels known from the Doctor Who series - a race of aliens that move only when no one is looking at them. You can watch the scene with the angels here:
- When exploring the Skellige islands you can reach a small island called Kaer Almhult and explore its castle. Near one of the bodies you will find a key opening the access to a "sky cell". Inside, Geralt will find a midget that looks similar to Tyrion Lannister from the Game of Thrones TV series. This scene is inspired by an episode in which Tyrion was imprisoned in a similar cell in the Eyrie. It seems that the person you found wasn't as lucky and couldn't secure his freedom. You can watch this easter egg on the movie:
- When exploring An Skellig island (part of the Skellige Islands), Geralt can find a tower that has locked its user with the Defensive Regulatory Magicon (DRM - the same acronym as for the digital rights management system). The only way of removing it is using the Gottfried's Omni-opening Grimoir (GOG - digital game distribution service).
- When exploring the villages in Velen, you can hear the famous phrase "War, war never changes" from the Fallout series. One of the peasants says that.
- During one of the encounters, Zoltan Chivay might say the phrase "She had him wearing mummer's costume, took to callin' him Christian, referrin' to herself as Anastasia" which is a reference to 50 shades of Grey.