Hogwarts Legacy: Wand Mastery Hogwarts Legacy guide
Wand Mastery is one of the main quests in Hogwarts Legacy. On this page of the guide we suggest how to defeat Rookwood's gang.
Last update: Thursday, March 9, 2023
On this page of our guide to Hogwarts Legacy you'll find a walkthrough of the Wand Mastery main quest. You'll learn how to acquire the wand necessary to access the final Repository and how to defeat Victor Rookwood.
- Rewards for completing the quest
- Consult with Gelbord Ollivander
- Defend yourself from Rookwood's lot
- Defeat Victor Rookwood
Rewards for completing the quest
- XP;
- unlocking the main quest The Final Repository.
Consult with Gelbord Ollivander

Head to Hogsmead and enter Ollivander's wand shop. After a short cutscene you'll receive a special wand. Leave the shop to encounter Rookwood.
Defend yourself from Rookwood's lot

After the cutscene you'll need to defend yourself against Rookwood's henchmen. Eliminate them with spells and throwables, which there are plenty of all around the arena. We recommend saving your Ancient Magic charges for later.
Defeat Victor Rookwood

At some point, Victor himself will join the fray. The first battle against him is a QTE - mash the displayed button.

After this sequence you'll face off against his henchmen once again. This time, however, Victor fights alongside them, and so you should focus on him. He has a shield which can only be broken with Ancient Magic or Unforgivable Curses. If you don't have Ancient Magic charges, kill some other enemies first.

After breaking Victor's shield start attacking him with more Ancient Magic or other offensive spells.

Depriving Victor of his entire health bar triggers a new QTE sequence. Mash the displayed button to finish off Rookwood and complete the quest.