Targeted Risk GTA 5 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Availability: Franklin
Location: This mission becomes available some time after the completion of the optional liquidity Risk mission. This time, you will meet up with Dom on the rooftop of the skyscraper located in the Pillbox Hill district. Since there are no elevators or stairs to the rooftop, you need to take a helicopter to get there. I recommend that you look for one to the West of the skyscraper, near the landing pad shown in the above screenshot, in the La Puerta district.

Get into the helicopter (Frogger) and fly towards the marked building. Land on the rooftop and approach Dom. This way you will start this mission.

The mission proper is very short and it assumes landing on the flatbed of the truck shown in the screenshot, after jumping off the skyscraper's roof. Make sure that you open the parachute as late as possible, and also do not forget about pressing, and holding down, the button for targeting of the truck,, which will make it easier to land. Wait for Dom to join you and watch the final cutscene.
Rewards for the completion of the mission: none
Requirements for the completion of the mission in 100%:
- Dare Devil - You need to fall freely for, at least, 8 seconds before you open the parachute. This means that you need to open it only when Franklin is close to the ground.
- Bullseye - You need to land properly on the flatbed of the truck.