Hogwarts Legacy: Potions Class Hogwarts Legacy guide
This page of the Hogwarts Legacy guide describes the main quest Potions Class. From the walkthrough, you will learn how to brew potions, how to obtain ingredients and how to create the Wiggen Potion and Edurus Potion at the potion station.
Last update: Monday, February 13, 2023
Potions Class is one of the main quests of Hogwarts Legacy. Our walkthrough explains how to unlock the class, how to brew potions at the potion stand, where to find crafting ingredients, how to brew a Wiggenweld Potion and an Edurus Potion.
- Rewards for completing the quest
- Attend Potions Class
- Collect the ingredients
- Brew Edurus Potion
- Return to Professor Sharp
Rewards for completing the quest

- XP;
- access to the Potions Station - you can now brew potions after completing the quest as well.
Attend Potions Class

You must visit Professor Sharp's class in The Library Annex. Stand in the circle to start the potions class.
Brewing your first potion uniquely requires some additional actions - rotate the right analog stick (counter-clockwise), press the interact button to add more ingredients and then stir the cauldron by rotating the analog stick in the opposite direction (clockwise, this time). You'll create a wiggenweld potion (a healing potion).
Collect the ingredients

On your way to Sharp's office you'll be stopped by Garreth and asked for an additional ingredient (you can't refuse).
Collect three interactive ingredients from the office, along some optional loot. Return to Garreth and give him the feather.
Brew Edurus Potion

You'll unlock the Potions Station . Interact with it and select the Edurus Potion off the list - you've grabbed the ingredients back at the office. The brewing process is automatic, but you must wait 30 seconds before taking the potion out.
Later in the game you'll unlock your own potions station. Until then, you can use the one in Professor Sharp's class.
Return to Professor Sharp

Watch Garreth's failed experiment and talk to Professor Sharp. You'll have a small choice to make here - you can lie or tell the truth about stealing the feather. The decision doesn't have any serious consequences. This concludes the quest.