Red Dead Redemption 2: Legendary Tatanka Bison - maps, tips Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide and Walkthrough
You can find Tatanka Bison in Manteca Falls in RDR2. He will go down easy if you fire at its head with a rifle. The obtained materials will serve to create 3 items.
Last update: Monday, September 26, 2022

Red Dead Redemption 2 features numerous legendary animals. The Legendary Tatanka Bison is one of them. You can find this animal near Manteca Falls. This place is south of Stillwater Creek.

The Bison can be found in the area marked in the picture above. Look for the animal's tracks. Remember, the Bison can be easily scared off when it gets your scent.
Which weapon should I use to hunt the Bison?

The Bison requires heavier weapons.
Carbine - you can use this weapon to fire from a longer distance. However, your shots have to be accurate.
Shotgun - this weapon requires you to get closer to the Bison. However, a shotgun is the best weapon to hunt this animal.
How to fight with the Bison?

The Bison can be easily scared off, but it won't attack you. If it detects you, the animal will start running away. Because of that, you can lose the sight of the animal. Start shooting the animal as soon as you get closer to it - you will kill the Bison before it manages to escape. The best way to do that is to use the Dead Eye. Aim right at its head and shoot a few times.
If it starts running away, let the Bison run a bit. Don't chase it - the animal will stop a few meters away from you. Run towards it and try to kill the animal.
What can I do with the Bison's carcass?

Go to the Trapper. The Bison's carcass allows you to craft:
Legendary Bison Vest - you need Legendary Tatanka Bison Pelt and $30.
Legendary Boar & Bison Fowlers - you need Legendary Tatanka Bison Pelt, Legendary Boar Pelt and $37.
Legendary Bison Batwing Chaps - you need Legendary Tatanka Bison Pelt and $32.