The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Map of Novigrad, Oxenfurt and surroundings The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
This page of the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide shows a part of the world map, encompassing two cities (Novigrad, Oxenfurt) and a few neighboring areas. We divided the map into several sectors, which can be viewed on further pages in our World Atlas.
Novigrad, Oxenfurt and neighboring areas - map
Above, you can find a map of the Novigrad, Oxenfurt and their surroundings, which is a part of the game world that you visit after leaving the Royal Palace in Vizima. The map consists of four different areas (M5 to M8) and you can find their more detailed descriptions (quests and world atlas) in the following chapters.
Important - Under the name of each location from our world map you will find a hint about the suggested experience level you should have while exploring the territory. Of course, you shouldn't depend completely on those suggestions. Geralt can at the same time easily complete all quests related to the main storyline in a place and find some very strong monsters who can be defeated only after gaining many more levels.
Information about various areas of the world:
M5 - Farcorners - This location separated the Free City of Novigrad (M6 map) from the territory surrounding the Inn by the Crossroads. There are no larger places here that you could visit for longer. But you won't explore this place instantly as there are some harder witcher contracts here. You should watch yourself while exploring the western part of the game world. There are strong monster there, including a stronger versions of nekkers and a basilisk.
M6 - Free City of Novigrad - The biggest city available in Witcher 3. As one could expect, exploring the whole of it will take many time. At first you visit Novigrad in order to meet with Triss in one of the main quests, but there are many other attractions awaiting Geralt in the city as well. You can visit merchants and craftsmen, complete various contracts, visit local brothers or even change your haircut. In addition to the city itself it is wise to explore the territory east from it - there is an inn, small village and a merchant buying witcher trophies there.
M7 - Vegelbud Residence - It's one of the largest locations you can explore in Velen. It's neighboring with the Free City of Novigrad (Map M6) and Oxenfurt (map M8). In contrast to the cities mentioned above, in this location you won't find any large villages or cities. Instead, most of the time you will spend on walking through empty meadows and forests. Still, you should visit this place because Geralt can participate in various optional quests here. It is worth mentioning that many good treasures are guarded by monsters on high experience level.
M8 - Oxenfurt - the city is not as large as Novigrad but despite that there are still many attractions awaiting Geralt there. In addition to meeting merchants, blacksmiths or barbers, you can start many new quests here. Exploring Oxenfurt is completely safe as Geralt won't be attacked by anyone while inside the city walls. However, the same cannot be said about the territories surrounding the city - there you should be on your guard and, before entering any new territory, make sure there are no really strong monsters there.