AC Odyssey: Uprising, Public Opinion Assassin's Creed Odyssey Guide and Walkthrough
Last update: Tuesday, December 27, 2022
This page in our guide for Assassin's Creed: Odyssey focuses on the following quests: Doing Time, An Actor's Life For Me, A-Musing Tale.
Doing Time

You wake up in a cell and you are visited by Deimos. Your choices in this conversation have the final impact on the family's relations and the ending. If you want to get the good ending then you should be honest and try to convince Deimos by telling him that he was manipulated.
Soon, Kleon will appear. Deimos can tell him that he is not his puppet anymore - this is possible only if you made the right choices. This scene is a sign that you are able to get Deimos back.
A few guards enter your cell - defeat them. After that, you will be visited by Barnabas and Sokrates. Rewards: 30,000 XP.
An Actor's Life For Me
Go and speak with Aristophanes. Then, you have to defeat a few thugs. Take the drunken actor back to his house. This will end the mission.
A-Musing Tale

Speak with Aikaterine. Your goal is to kill polemarch Rhexor. The target is nearby - kill him and take the man's sword. Deliver the weapon to the woman - she is a potential love interest. Go back to Aristophanes and tell him that you have succeeded.

Rewards: 24,000 XP. You can also watch a spectacle - its goal is to undermine Kleon's position.