Cyberpunk 2077: Alt Cunningham - romance/sex Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Tuesday, February 2, 2021
On this page of the Cyberpunk 2077 guide you will find information about Alt Cunningham, one of the game's key characters. You will learn the requirements for Alt's romantic route and when it becomes available.
This site contains spoilers about Johnny Silverhand's role in the game and the events preceding the main storyline. If you want to avoid major spoilers, complete the first act of the campaign before you start reading this page, i.e. the main jobs The Heist and Love Like Fire. This will allow you to better understand the circumstances in which Johnny Silverhand appears in the game, as well as various aspects of main storyline.
Alt Cunningham - who is she?

Alt Cunningham is a woman who used to be one of the best netrunners in Night City. She was responsible for the creation of the Soulkiller virus, which made it possible to reconstruct one's consciousness in digital form while at the same time deleting the "soul" from the body of the person undergoing the treatment.
Alt Cunningham - when does she appear?

Alt Cunningham in her physical form appears in 2013 Night City. You have the opportunity to meet Alt during the main job Transmission (Never Fade Away) in which V gets transported into cyberspace and ventures into Johnny Silverhand's memories from several decades ago. Alt Cunningham was still alive back then.

During the aforementioned main story quest, Alt Cunningham is kidnapped by the Arasaka Corporation and is the first victim of the Soulkiller program she herself created. In Night City from 2077, Alt is a copy of the original netrunner and lives in cyberspace. V only gets to meet this "version" of Alt and her digital form plays an important role in the events of the main plot. Alt is also linked to certain game endings. You can find more information about this in the Endings section.
The sex scene with Alt Cunningham

The sex scene happens in 2013 Night City and this means that neither version of V gets to sleep with Alt Cunningham. As part of the main job Transmission, you will be following Johnny Silverhand's actions from the distant past.
Johnny and Alt were a couple. The sex scene will automatically start during the Transmission quest when Johnny returns to the changing room after his performance.