Hogwarts Legacy: Cragcroftshire - Collection Chests Hogwarts Legacy guide
Here you will find the locations of 5 Collection Chests in Cragcroftshire. Read on if you want to get all the collection items in the Hogwarts Legacy.
Last update: Thursday, April 20, 2023
Cragcroftshire is one of the regions in Hogwarts Legacy . On this page of our guide, we show the locations of all Collection Chests found in Cragcroft and the nearby bandit camp.
Collection Chest #1

Chest #1 is in a large wooden house, between the window and the chair.
Collection Chest #2

Look for this one in a brick house. The door to it is protected by level 1 lock. Get to the second floor and look near the window.
Collection Chest #3

Chest #3 is in a wooden house with a boat nearby. The door to the house is protected by a level 2 lock - you'll need to open it to get the chest. Once inside, look near the wardrobe.
Collection Chest #4

The final chest in Cragcroft village is in a house next to which a Merlin Trial took place. Open level 2 lock and climb to the second floor. Look for the chest by the stairs.
Collection Chest #5

The final chest from Cragcroft is in the bandit camp found southeast from Cragcroft village. Look for the chest inside the large tent.