Riddler trophies on Bleake Island (1-18) | Collectibles - Bleake Island Batman: AK Guide
Last update: Monday, October 28, 2019
On this page of our guide to Batman: Arkham Knight you will find exact locations of Riddler trophies (1-18) that can be obtained on Bleake Island. Trophies are one of secrets (collectibles) available in the game.
- Trophy 1 [1495, 1838]
- Trophy 2 [1550, 2073]
- Trophy 3 [1525, 2112]
- Trophy 4 [1632, 2095]
- Trophy 5 [1700, 1974]
- Trophy 6 [1762, 1988]
- Trophy 7 [1737, 2104]
- Trophy 8 [1825, 2334]
- Trophy 9 [1893, 2288]
- Trophy 10 [2005, 2162]
- Trophy 11 [2175, 2191]
- Trophy 12 [2220, 2182]
- Trophy 13 [2225, 2331]
- Trophy 14 [1771, 2504]
- Trophy 15 [1636, 2823]
- Trophy 16 [1503, 2918]
- Trophy 17 [1575, 2958]
- Trophy 18 [1663, 2952]
Trophy 1 [1495, 1838]

Required gadgets: -
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy can be found under the bridge leading to Ace Chemicals. You can take it without using any gadgets.
Trophy 2 [1550, 2073]

Required gadgets: -
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy can be found inside one of the buildings. Find the entrance inside and walk in. The secret can be obtained without the need of using any gadgets.
Trophy 3 [1525, 2112]

Required gadgets: Batmobile
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy is located inside one of the buildings near the water. Access to it is blocked by a weakened wall. The only way to destroy the wall is by using the Batmobile. Drive the vehicle to the road leading towards the Ace Chemicals and stop west from the secret. Park the Batmobile in a place from which you will be able to see the weakened wall - it has been shown on the picture above. Destroy the wall and fly as Batman to the trophy.
Trophy 4 [1632, 2095]

Required gadgets: voice synthesizer
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy can be found in a large cage with electric floor. You can't reach it on your own, instead you must guide the nearby Riddler's robot inside. If it's the first time you meet the robot, then you must sneak up on him and take him down from the back. You will receive the chip that allows you to control the machine. If you have obtained the chip earlier, you can skip this step.
Start by sneaking up on the robot (if you have performed the takedown, then wait for it to respawn). Don't let him see Batman as after that he will focus only on attacking you. After positioning yourself behind the robot, use voice synthesizer on him. Mark the territory inside the cage and order the machine to walk there. Jump on the cage and use the synthesizer again. This time order the machine to pick up the trophy. Change the location again, while ensuring that the robot won't see you. Use the synthesizer on the robot for the last time, this time ordering him to walk outside the cage (with the secret). Now you can defeat the robot and take the trophy that he has taken.
Trophy 5 [1700, 1974]

Required gadgets: batarang, batclaw, remote controlled batarang
Trophy walkthrough: Reach the place with two containers. Use batarang on the question mark on the left container, you will raise the containers. Now you can enter the building. Position yourself on the pressure plate and catch the trophy with the batclaw.

Don't try to leave the building yet - Riddler's robots with firearms will appear nearby. Pick the remote controlled batarang from the inventory and throw it. Once the batarang leaves the building, turn it around and aim it at the question mark at the right container. The gadget must hit the button with proper speed, so accelerate it in the final phase of the flight. Properly performed action will make the containers fall and crush the robots. It will allow you to safely leave the place.
Trophy 6 [1762, 1988]

Required gadgets: Batmobile, forensic scanner, grappling hook
Trophy walkthrough: Find a flashing green button on the wall of one of the buildings, drive towards it in the Batmobile and activate the forensic scanner. Remain in Batmobile's battle mode and follow the green question marks that will start appearing due to the scanner's work. They will lead you under the bridge.

Remain in battle mode. Ride around the buildings until you reach the road leading to the bridge. Once you get on the bridge, find new question marks and keep following them. You must drive near the ACE Chemicals. There, take interest in two towers connected with a bridge. You must target the green sign shown on the picture above and use the Batmobile to destroy a fragment of the wall. Use the grappling hook to reach the newly created hole and look inside the small room for the trophy.
Trophy 7 [1737, 2104]

Required gadgets: Batmobile, winch
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy can be found in the container inserted in the wall. Drive near it in the Batmobile, find the interactive hook and use the winch. Pull out the container, leave the vehicle and reach the secret.
Trophy 8 [1825, 2334]

Required gadgets: batarang
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy can be found in a small cage on the wall. Attack the three robots. Once they are down, hit the green question mark with the batarang. The robots will be repaired. Now, start a new battle and use the batarang again. Defeat the robots again. You will be rewarded with opening of the cage.
Trophy 9 [1893, 2288]

Required gadgets: Batmobile, winch, grappling hook
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy can be found in a cage on the roof of a building. Obtaining it is quite hard. Activate the detective mode and read the coordinates written on the roof [1665, 3171]. Open the world map and use the coordinates (they are displayed in the lower right corner of the screen) to find the place that you must investigate. It has been marked on the picture above, it's the eastern part of Bleake Island.

Once you reach the destination, use the detective mode again and find the fuse box. You will learn that in order to load it Batmobile will be needed. Sadly, you can't call it yet, first you must guide the car to the nearby roofs. Go south from the fuse box. You must reach the path near the lighthouse that has been marked on the picture above.

Now you must perform two jumps in Batmobile on your way to the fuse box. First jump is performed in the place where the path near the lighthouse ends. This jump will get you to the metal roofs. Second jump takes place on the right ramp. In both cases you must use the afterburner to ensure success. Once you get to the box, use Batmobile's winch on it. You must manipulate the gas pedal properly - try to keep the turnovers bar in the orange zone. This will let you load the box.

The final phase of the riddle is hardest. From the moment you load the box, you will have only 45 seconds to return to the cage with the trophy. Drive the Batmobile to the end of the roof and catapult Batman (having upgraded version of the catapult is recommended). Once you start the flight, look for opportunities to pull yourself with the grappling hook to higher objects (like antennas or building roofs) and to catapult Batman with great speed. You can't allow yourself to get off the track or slow down. If you give your best, you should reach opened cage with the trophy while still having around 5-10 seconds of the time.
Trophy 10 [2005, 2162]

Required gadgets: voice synthesizer, remote hacking device
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy can be found in a large cage with electric floor. You can't reach it on your own, instead you must guide the nearby Riddler's robot inside. If it's the first time you meet the robot, then you must sneak up on him and take him down from the back. You will receive the chip that allows you to control the machine. If you have obtained the chip earlier, you can skip this step.
Stand on the wall behind the robot or on the roof next to it (if you performed a knockout, then use the batarang on the question mark so that the machine respawns) and don't let it see you as he would focus only on attacking you. Pick the voice synthesizer from the inventory and mark the robot. Then order the machine to destroy the closer defense turret. There's another turret in the cage but this one is unavailable for the robot. Because of that, you must use the remote hacking device to temporary deactivate it. Now you can order the robot to pick up the trophy and take it out of the cage. Now you can defeat the robot and take the trophy.
Trophy 11 [2175, 2191]

Required gadgets: Batmobile, winch, EMP
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy is locked in a cage. Enter the Batmobile and use the winch on the hook to uncover the interactive object. Leave the car and use the EMP to activate the upper generator. Now you can enter the newly opened cage with the secret.
Trophy 12 [2220, 2182]

Required gadgets: grappling hook
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy can be found on one of the higher floors of the ruined building. You can get there easily by using the grappling hook.
Trophy 13 [2225, 2331]

Required gadgets: batclaw
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy is attached to the bottom of one of the wooden platforms at the water. It has been shown on the picture above. Position yourself on one of the nearby ledges and, when the collectible gets in your line of sight, pull it to yourself with the batclaw.
Trophy 14 [1771, 2504]

Required gadgets: Batmobile, grappling hook
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy can be found inside a building. To unlock the access inside, jump to the Batmobile and get through one of the wooden gates. Park the car inside the building and use the grappling hook to reach the upper balconies.
Trophy 15 [1636, 2823]

Required gadgets: Batmobile, winch, EMP, line launcher, batarang, batclaw
Trophy walkthrough: The riddle solving takes place in the underground of the Panessa Studios. Drive the Batmobile there and use the winch on the fuse box found right from the entrance gate. Maintain the proper engine RPM (the pointer should remain in the orange zone) to load the box.

Walk to another room and use the winch again, this time on the nearby generator. Your objective is to load the Batmobile so that you will be able to use its EMP. Activating the electromagnetic pulse will turn off the upper force field for 10 seconds.

The hardest part is ahead of you - you must catapult Batman from the Batmobile and hold the button/key responsible for activating the line launcher while in the air. Your character should throw the rope. Remain on it. Don't worry that the force field is active again, now you're above it. Throw the batarang at all three green question marks. Now you can jump down and use the batclaw to catch the trophy from the newly opened cage.
Trophy 16 [1503, 2918]

Required gadgets: -
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy is in a small room inside the building. Access to it is blocked by a weakened wall (use detective mode to find it). Glide towards that wall from one of the roofs. Batman should easily get through it.
Trophy 17 [1575, 2958]

Required gadgets: Batmobile
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy is located on the roof of the Panessa studios, behind a weakened wall. You must get there in the Batmobile and it is harder that it might seem as you can't call the vehicle while you're on the roofs. Go southeast from the secret. Get to the path near the lighthouse which has been marked on the picture above.

Now you must perform two jumps in the Batmobile on your way to the trophy. First jump is done in the final part of the road near the lighthouse, second once you're on the roof, with the use of the right ramp. Additionally, you will be forced to drive through some narrow roofs, in those cases you can help yourself (however, it is not mandatory) with the battle mode that will give you increased precision. Once you reach the weakened wall, use Batmobile's cannon to destroy it.
Trophy 18 [1663, 2952]

Required gadgets: Batmobile, winch, remote controlled batarang
Trophy walkthrough: The trophy can be found in a cage on the top of a small glass tower. Enter the Batmobile and use the winch on the interactive hook at the base of the tower. Now drive the Batmobile left or right in order to move the glass plates of the tower. By doing so you must uncover the green interactive question marks. Throw remote controlled batarangs at them (you can try to use the standard versions as well). Once you activate all three question marks, the tower will ride down and the cage with the secret will open.