The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Side quests, Midcopse - walkthrough The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Thursday, December 9, 2021
This page of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt guide contains a walkthrough for all side quests related to the village of Midcopse. In the walkthrough, we inform how to properly examine the mouse tower and how to behave during the meeting with the ghost of Anabelle. You also learn where to find the missing cargo for Keira Metz, how to behave in the scene with the Allgod in the basement and how to play the Forefathers' ritual.
- A Towerful of Mice
- A Favor for a Friend
- A Dog's Life
- Love's Cruel Snares
- Lynch Mob
- A Greedy God
- Forefathers' Eve
- For the Advancement of Learning
A Towerful of Mice

You can receive this task from Keira Metz after you explore the mage's hideout, help the sorceress with obtaining the magic lamp, receive an invitation from her and meet with her again in the side quest An Invitation from Keira Metz. She can be found in the hut in a forest near the Midcopse village (M4,1). After receiving new quest, you must go to Fyke Isle. If you haven't been there before, search for a boat near the witch's hut and use it to swim to the place where the quest can be completed. If you have been on the island before, then it is best to use quick travel (sign posts).
Before you start exploring the island, place the lamp you received from Keira in the active inventory slot. Using this item will be required for finding ghosts linked to the secondary objective of this quest. Go towards the tower. You will face some rotfiends, drowners, water hags and ghouls on the way, so watch yourself when fighting larger enemy groups. Before you start examining the inside of the tower, check its surroundings. Use the magic lamp to find three haunted places with ghosts (it's an optional activity) - they are nearby the entrance to the fenced territory, on the southern edge of the island and at the tower's back. Lighting the ghosts with the lamp and listening to the conversation is rewarded with some experience points.

The tower has only one available entrance. Search for another haunted place on the base floor and examine the ghosts (experience points). While you're at it, check the dead rats, blood trails and knives lying on the floor. Find another set of stairs that lead to the basement. There you must watch another vision (experience points). Return to the base floor and start marching to the upper floors. You will find two more haunted places on the way. Checking them will give you more experience points (check the chest near the bed as well - there are valuable treasures inside).
After reaching the highest level, listen to the conversation with Keira and take a look at the large fissures on the ground. On the left side you can find an interactive lever (use witcher senses). Pulling it will unlock secret passage. The stairs will lead Geralt to the Alexander's laboratory (experience points). In the laboratory you will find few notes and a new treasure chest. Most important thing to do there is finding with the magic lamp the ghost responsible for the curse - Anabelle.

This quest can be finished in two ways. If you want, during the conversation with Anabelle you can agree to deliver Anabelle's Remains to Graham. Leave the tower, jump to the boat and go north to Oreton village. Find Graham's hut there, talk to him and give him the remains. After getting away from the hut, you will hear Graham's scream. Go back to the hut and you will discover that the man is dead. You can meet again with Keira Metz - tell her that the curse is lifted and that Graham died. The sorceress will give you another quest - A Favor for a Friend.
Another solution to the quest is not helping Anabelle. In that case, trying to leave the tower or speaking about finding the corpse during conversation will lead to a battle with the ghost. During the battle you should depend mostly on the Yrden witcher sign. After Anabelle loses some health, she will try to escape. You must catch her and participate in another duel. After that, listen to a brief conversation with Keira and go to Oreton to meet with Graham. Explain the situation to the man and return with him to the tower. Go back to the highest floor of the building. Kill some ghouls on the way. At the top, watch a cutscene in which Graham dies and the curse is lifted from Anabelle. As in the first option, go back to Keira Metz and you will receive another quest - A favor for a Friend.
A Favor for a Friend

It's another quest received from sorceress Keira Metz living in the forest near Midcopse (M4,1). Geralt can receive this task after completing A Towerful of Mice side quest, but only if he agrees on another favor for the woman. In order to search for the missing cargo you must go northwest, near the Hangman's Alley. After arriving at destination secure the territory (there might be some drowners and water hags here) and then search for cart tracks on the muddy ground (use witcher senses). You must follow them to the forest. You will reach a destroyed cart - examine the clues, including the corpse at the tree (you will find a letter there). Finally find the interactive box near the cart and take Package for Keira from there.
Return with the package back to the sorceress and you will learn what was inside. During the conversation agree to change your clothes and go on the horse with Keira to the place where dinner awaits you. Whether you win or lose the race with Keira won't matter, it will only slightly change the beginning of the conversation.
The conversation during dinner is quite important because Geralt can sleep with Keira. You can reach such ending by talking about sex during the conversation or waiting for the sorceress to give such proposition to Geralt. We've covered this topic in more detail in the Romance and Love Scenes section of our game guide.
After Keira disappears, use witcher senses to find further parts of her clothes. You can refuse Keira as well, you should do it if you have already gone into affair with Triss or Yennefer and you don't want to risk your relations with one of those ladies. No matter how you acted, Keira will put Geralt to sleep with one of her spells and will go by herself to the Fyke Isle. You will learn why she did that in the quest For the Advancement of Learning.
A Dog's Life
While traveling through the roads near the Midcopse village, on one of the roads, near a shrine (M4,8) you will find a group of five wolves on level 9 fighting a dog. You must help that dog. After killing all the enemies, the task will be automatically added to your journal. The dog will want you to follow him. You shouldn't meet any enemies on the way. Your companion will lead you to Drudge village. In front of a house you will find a group of three bandits on level 4, you must defeat them. The dog will help you in that battle. After you deal with your enemies, the animal will stand in front of one of the houses. You already have the key to it - it was hidden in the dog's collar.

Enter the building. You will learn that the owners have been murdered. Examine the building with witcher senses. Geralt will notice that something is hidden under the floor in the corner. It will be a chest. Inside you will find few items, including a letter and a book. The quest will end. After leaving the building, you won't find the dog anywhere.
Love's Cruel Snares

You will receive this task from a woman in a small village South from Midcopse (M4,6). To take this quest, you must first eliminate the bandits in that location and resettle the village.
During the conversation you will learn that the woman's fiancé has gone to the forest and never came back. She is worried about him and she would like you to check what happened to him. The territory to check is quite large, but if you use your witcher senses, you will easily find some tracks. The trail will lead you to five wild dogs on level 10. You must kill them. Sadly, the man will be already dead. Examine his body and go back to the questgiver. If you decide to take the reward, you will receive less experience points and 40 crowns. If you refuse the reward, you will receive more experience points.
Lynch Mob
This quest start automatically after talking with a Peasant near the Hangman's Alley (M4,10). He and few other peasants have captured a nilfgaardian soldier and now they want to hang him. You can interrupt them or let them finish their work. If you try to stop them, you will have to face four enemies on level 7. After talking with the prisoner you will receive some gold.

By allowing the lynch to happen the quest won't even start. You will receive neither experience points nor gold. However, you will be able to take the Letter for Nilfgaardian's Wife from the hangman body.
A Greedy God

To start this quest you must go to the ruins near the Wastrel Manor (M4,12). There you will find two peasants. Talk to them about the sacrifice for the Allgod. Sadly, their sacrifice is not enough to appease him and calamities are hitting the village.
You can help the peasants. Walk to their altar. You will notice that there is an illusion somewhere near. Try to walk around the altar. You will find some rubble. You must use the device that you received from Keira Metz at the end of Wandering in the dark quest. Walk to the pile of rocks behind the altar and press the action button. Geralt should automatically use The Eye of Nehaleni. The pile of rocks will disappear and an entrance to the dungeon will be uncovered. In the basement you will find a large Sylvan. You can solve this quest in more than one way:
- Option A. Agree to tell the peasants to bring better gifts. At the same time you can tell them about the crypt under the ruins.
- Option B. You can simply kill the Sylvan (level 7). Don't forget to take precious alchemy ingredients from his body. Search the cave as well. Sadly, the peasants won't be happy of what happened.
- Option C. Threaten the Sylvan with death and he will agree to take lesser gifts. The peasants will be very happy of what happened. You can tell them about the crypt under the ruins now.
Forefathers' Eve

An opportunity to start this quest should present itself after completing the side quest A Towerful of Mice given to you by Keira Metz. After reporting to Keira and leaving her hut (M4,13), you should notice the Pellar. Talk to him in order to take the quest. If you miss this meeting or refuse him at first, you can meet him later in his house in the forest West from Crow's Perch (M3,7).
The quest takes place on Fyke Isle, the same which you explored during A Towerful of Mice quest. After arriving at the destination, you must wait until the night (you can use meditation to speed it up) and reach a stone ring on the Western part of the island. Talk to the Pellar and tell him that you're ready. Your task is to eliminate monsters that will appear near the water and will try to reach the rock ring. Your enemies will be drowners and water hags.

After eliminating the first group of monsters, a cutscene with Witch Hunters will start. You can say that you don't intend to participate in this conflict and let the hunters stop the ritual, thus ending the quest. If you want to help the Pellar, then you will have to defeat the newcomers to the island. After the battle, wait for the ritual to continue. Once again Geralt will have to protect the participants; however, this time his enemies will be wraiths. Once the battle ends, listen to the conversation with Pellar. You will be tasked with finding the corpse of his father on the swamps.
Go to Crookback Bog and explore the marked territory on the southwestern side. You must watch out for nearby monsters. Find the corpse with the help of witcher senses and use Igni sign to set them on fire. Finally, go back to Pellar's hut and tell him that you completed the task. The old man will give you 50 crowns and will start offering his goods with lowered prices.
For the Advancement of Learning

Another side quest related to the sorceress Keira Metz. You will receive it automatically after completing A Favor for a Friend quest, no matter whether you have slept with Keira after the dinner or not. Keira will put Geralt to sleep. Once he regains consciousness (M4,11), he will learn that she went to Fyke Isle.
Swim there and go to the tower you have explored before. There you will meet with Keira. It can end in three ways. Choosing a behavior option is important as we could potentially lose Keira as an ally. Here are the possible behavior variants:
- Don't let Keira to take the notes with her (by default the first dialogue option at the end of the meeting) - This option will lead to a duel with Keira. During the battle try to be constantly on the move and use your attacks to make it harder for her to cast more powerful spells. After killing Keira, Geralt will automatically destroy the notes.
- Convince Keira to change her mind (by default the second dialogue option at the end of the meeting) - It's the best option as it will guarantee the participation of Keira in an important battle in Kaer Morhen later in the game. Geralt will try to convince the sorceress that her plan is too risky. Keira, instead of going to king Radovid with the notes, will move to witcher's stronghold.
- Allow Keira to take the notes (third dialogue option - the one marked with an icon of ending the conversation). Due to this decision Keira will use a teleportation spell to meet with King Radovid and will lead the place without fighting Geralt.