Dredge: How to remove Debris? Dredge guide, tips
As you explore in Dredge, you will encounter obstacles in the form of rock walls that will block your path. From this page of the guide you will learn how to remove Debris, where to get Explosives and how to complete the quest (Pursuit) for Hermit.
Last update: Friday, March 31, 2023
Debris are rock obstacles found all over the world of Dredge which sometimes block pathways or make sailing much more difficult. Fortunately, there is a way of removing them - on this page we explain how to use Packed Explosives, where to get them, and what has to be done in order to unlock this mechanic in the game.
How to blow up Debris?

To blow up an obstacle, you'll need Packed Explosives. You can buy it at Whaling Yards in Ingfell in the Gale Cliffs area and in Pontoon locations from the Traveling Merchant. Before you gain access to the explosives, you'll need to complete the Hermitage quest.
A full walkthrough for this Pursuit can be found on a dedicated page (Hermitage).

Here is how you do it - approach any Debris and interact with the obstacle with F (PC), X (PS), or A (Xbox) and choose Use explosives from the list. Right after that, the rock barrier will disappear - the path is open.
It's a good idea to have a few explosives at hand and eliminate the obstacles as they appear. This will make reaching certain locations easier - clear the vicinity of areas that you visit often. However, watch out for ship damage, as if you block the inventory slot with Explosives, they will go overboard and you'll lose the item.
Remember that for clearing the Debris you need to have Packed Explosives in Cargo. If the item is in Storage, you won't be able to use it.