AC Odyssey: Tombs in Megaris Assassin's Creed Odyssey Guide and Walkthrough
Last update: Thursday, December 22, 2022
This page contains walkthrough for Tomb of Alkathous, one of the tombs available in Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
Tomb of Alkathous

Location of the tomb: Valley of King Lelex, near the temple.

Walkthrough: Enter inside and turn right. Take out your torch and destroy the wall to open a new passage.

Go down the stairs and kill a cobra. Run forward and go even lower. Keep moving forward. Jump over the fallen pillar. Soon, you will reach an ancient stelae - examine it to receive 1 skill point and 405 XP.

Go left and climb up the stairs. Kill a snake and open the chest. Inside, you will find a rather good level 9 weapon.

Keep moving forward until you reach a regale that can be moved. Go through the newly revealed hole to reach the surface.