Polymorph in Divinity Original Sin 2 Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Monday, March 9, 2020
This page of the Divinity Original Sin 2 guide contains a detailed description of Polymorph magic school. You'll learn what kind of magic the school is characteristic for, what spells can you utilize and their effects.
Polymorph abilities allow you to inflict many negative statuses on enemies but also strengthen your character by increasing physical armor or giving an ability to fly on a battlefield. It is great for melee-oriented classes, especially those that rely on Strength such as Fighter or Paladin. In addition to that, each point invested in it gives that character 1 extra Attribute point.
Warning - if you have problems with finding traders that offer a particular skill book, you can check the chapter with maps of Fort Joy, Reaper's Coast, Nameless Isle and Arx where you can find locations of all traders in the game.
Icon | Name + Description | Cost | Comment |
![]() | Apotheosis - lowers Source Points cost of all abilities by 3 for 3 turns. | 2 Memory 3 AP 6 turns cooldown | If used well, this ability is one of the most effective in the entire game - it allows you to use the most powerful abilities without any problems because they will cost 0 SP for 2 turns. |
![]() | Bull Horns - gives 1 point to Retribution and allows to use Bull Rush ability. Incompatible with Medusa Head ability. | 1 Memory 0 AP 6 turns cooldown | An interesting ability that costs no AP - however, Bull Rush requires 1 point. Bull Rush itself is one of the most unique abilities in the game - you can charge at an enemy and deal Pure Damage that breaks through both armors. You should use this ability until you unlock Spread Your Wings. |
![]() | Chameleon Cloak - casts Invisibility effect on a character. | 1 Memory 1 AP 6 turns cooldown | A powerful ability that is especially useful to archers and assassins. Thanks to it they can easily (and at a small cost!) disappear from enemies' sight. |
![]() | Chicken Claw - casts Chicken Form status that lasts 2 turns. | 1 Memory 2 AP 6 turns cooldown | A powerful ability, provided that a target has no physical armor - it turns a target into a chicken that runs around aimlessly. |
![]() | Equalise - Vitality, magic and physical armor are added together and distributed evenly between all targets. | 2 Memory 1 AP 2 SP 1 turn cooldown | Another situational ability - it can heal your mortally wounded allies but you won't use it in most of your battles. |
![]() | Flaming Skin - a target becomes invulnerable to Fire but Water resistance is lowered. A character bleeds fire. | 2 Memory 1 AP 1 SP 5 turns cooldown | This ability is useful when you must fight with an enemy that deals a lot of Fire damage. You bleed fire - damage dealt to Vitality creates a pool of fire under that character's feet. |
![]() | Flay Skin - destroys a part of magic armor and lowers all of target's elemental resistance by a half, provided that it is not protected by magic armor. | 1 Memory 3 AP 5 turns cooldown | If used right, it can greatly weaken a target - however, your target should lose all magic armor after using this ability. |
![]() | Forced Exchange - exchanges Vitality percentage values of a caster and a target. | 2 Memory 1 AP 2 SP 1 turn cooldown | A very situational ability, however, if you use it right, you can turn an extremely difficult fight into an easy battle. If your enemy has no physical armor then their Vitality percentage value will be swapped with a caster. For example - if a caster has 10% of health and your target has 90% then, after using the spell, your target has 10% and you get 90%. Thanks to this ability you can make your enemies lose thousands of health points. |
![]() | Heart of Steel- regenerates physical armor each turn, the effect lasts 4 turns. | 1 Memory 2 AP 5 turns cooldown | A very useful ability, especially for those characters that focus enemies' attacks on them (tank) - they can regenerate lost armor. |
![]() | Icy Skin - a target becomes invulnerable to Water but Fire resistance is lowered. A character bleeds ice. | 2 Memory 1 AP 1 SP 5 turns cooldown. | This ability is useful when you must fight with an enemy that deals a lot of Water damage. You bleed ice - damage dealt to Vitality covers surface under that character in ice. |
![]() | Jellyfish Skin- a target becomes invulnerable to Air but Poison and Earth resistance is lowered. A character bleeds electrified water. | 2 Memory 1 AP 1 SP 5 turns cooldown | This ability is useful when you must fight with an enemy that deals a lot of Air damage. You bleed electrified water - damage dealt to Vitality creates a pool of electrified water under that character's feet. |
![]() | Medusa Head - snakes come out from character's head and all enemies around them are Petrified if they are not protected by magic armor. Unlocks Petrifying Visage ability. Incompatible with Bull Horns ability. | 1 Memory 2 AP 5 turns cooldown | Another situational ability that can alter a course of an entire battle. If a character is surrounded by enemies that don't have magic armor, they will become Petrified. This ability also unlocks a spell, Petrifying Visage - it deals tremendous damage on a wide area and turns enemies into stone if they don't have magic armor. |
![]() | Poisonous Skin - a target becomes invulnerable to Poison but Air resistance is lowered. A character bleeds poison. | 2 Memory 1 AP 1 SP 5 turns cooldown | This ability is useful when you must fight with an enemy that deals a lot of Poison damage. You bleed poison - damage dealt to Vitality creates a poisonous cloud under that character's feet. |
![]() | Skin Graft - resets cooldowns of all abilities. Removes Burning, Necrofire, Poisoned and Bleeding effects. | 2 Memory 2 AP 1 SP 5 turns cooldown | A powerful ability that allows you to reset cooldowns of all abilities which means that some abilities (like Tornado which has 10 turns cooldown) can be used again in the same fight. |
![]() | Spider Legs - a character grows spider legs and gets Web ability. Web creates a spider web on a surface which immobilizes everyone who steps on it. Incompatible with Spread Your Wings ability. | 1 Memory 1 AP 5 turns cooldown | A powerful ability that allows you to inflict one of the most useful control restriction effects with ease - Enweb. This effect can't be blocked - none of the armors can protect from it and when enemy walks on it, they lose all of their AP. A character that used Spider Legs is invulnerable to Enweb status effect. |
![]() | Spread Your Wings - wings grow out of a character's back, that character becomes invulnerable to surface effects and can use Fly ability. Fly allows characters to reach areas that are unavailable on foot. Incompatible with Spider Legs ability. | 1 Memory 1 AP 6 turns cooldown | One of the best abilities in the entire game. Your character can fly each turn and becomes invulnerable to surface effects - they can't trip on ice, oil won't slow them down and fire won't damage them. This ability is useful to all characters. |
![]() | Summon Oily Blob - summon a creature that deals Earth-based damage and leaves Oil everywhere. | 1 Memory 2 AP 6 turns cooldown | This spell is useful when you need Oil - this creature can create a lot of it. Otherwise, there is no point in using it. |
![]() | Tentacle Lash - deals damage at a medium distance and inflicts Atrophy on a target. Enemies with Antrophy status effect can't use their weapons and abilities that are connected to them. | 1 Memory 2 AP 3 turns cooldown | One of the best abilities from this school, especially when it is used by a character that has a lot of Strength - it can deal a lot of damage. Atrophy excludes most of enemies from a fight for 1 turn. |
![]() | Terrain Transmutation - swap places of two different surfaces. | 1 Memory 1 AP 2 turns cooldown | A very situational but also a very effective spell. You can swap places of two surfaces - remove Necrofire that is under your character's feet (swap it with a "clean surface") and cast it right under your enemies. Low cost and short cooldown are this ability's strong points. |