God of War Ragnarok: The Watchtower, Svartalfheim - secrets, collectibles God of War Ragnarok guide
The Watchtower in Svartalfheim is one of the regions in God of War Ragnarok. Here you will find all collectibles available there - Draugr Holes and Odin's Ravens.
Last update: Friday, December 2, 2022
In the course of exploring Svartalfheim in GoW Ragnarok, you'll come across a location called The Watchtower. On this page, we list and show locations of collectibles appearing in the Watchtower area. Among them, you'll find a Draugr Hole and a single Odin's Raven.
All collectibles
There are following collectibles and side activities in The Watchtower:
- 1x Draugr Hole
- 1x Odin's Raven
Draugr Hole
Draugr Hole is found on the elevated area of The Watchtower. Defeat the miniboss to unlock a favour called Born of Fire.

During the battle, additional enemies will emerge from the hole from time to time. You need to kill the main opponent to complete the activity and destroy the Draugr Hole.

The entrance to the elevated area of the Watchtower is located below the rubble. Throw your axe at the red container or use the Blades of Chaos to remove the obstacle.
Odin's Raven
Odin's Raven is in the elevated area of The Watchtower.

The raven is found above the Draugr Hole. Place yourself in a good position and aim at the bird once he is overhead.