The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: Witcher contracts - Devil by the Well, walkthrough The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Wednesday, December 8, 2021
This page of the guide to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt includes a walkthrough of the only witcher contract in White Orchard. The following walkthrough explains, among others, who assigns you with the Devil in the well contract, how to investigate an abandoned village, how to prepare for the fight with the noonwraith and how to win the fight with the mini-boss.
Contract: Devil by the Well

You will learn about this task by reading the note after interacting with one of notice boards in White Orchard. Go to one of the huts found in the western part of White Orchard Village to meet with Odolan (M1,7). You can immediately start searching for a ghost haunting the well or first bargain for a better payment (the man should accept around 25 crowns)
Go to the Abandoned Village south from where you currently are. Use witcher senses in the village in order to find new tracks. Thoroughly check all the huts marked by the game. Among other things you will find Yellowed Diary. Read it from the inventory. Examine a skeleton in one of the huts. Follow the blood trail and you will find new tracks. Finally, take interest in the well that is located in the middle of the village. Check the grass near the well, interact with the rope and wait for Geralt to take the skeleton out of the well. Once Geralt finishes checking the skeleton, jump to the well.

By jumping to the well, you will get to the underwater cave. You must dive and find a detached arm near which you can take an Ornate Bracelet. Now you must return to the village. Since you can't use the rope to climb back, you must find another exit from the underwater cavern. Go back to the village and, before you start the final part of this quest, do two other things revolving around preparing for fight. First, open the bestiary in Geralt's journal and read the information about Noonwraiths. Second, save the game as a hard battle awaits you.
Important - You can explore the village in a different order than the one shown in this guide. It doesn't matter as long as you fulfill all the important steps - checking all tracks, taking the skeleton from the well and finding the limb with the bracelet in the cave.

Save the game and set fire to the corpse dragged from the well. After that, the Devil by the Well will appear. It's a noonwraith. During the battle, avoid stronger attacks of the monster. Use Yrden sign to create traps and weaken the noonwraith. You could also use some bombs called moon dust but that would require gathering some ingredients and producing them before the battle. Be watchful of your health bar, heal yourself whenever it is needed.
After defeating the wraith (50 experience points), examine its corpse and gain noonwraith trophy. You can return to Odolan and tell him you have cleansed the village (50 experience points). During the meeting you can receive your reward (the amount you previously bargained) or let the man keep his gold. If you choose the second option, you will receive an amethyst.
Main reward for completing witcher contract: Noonwraith trophy - 5% additional experience for final blow in battle with humans.